Ruger SBH Alaskan Question

Tim Whittaker

New member
I have been thinking about ordering a Ruger Alaskan and have heard that they will have an integral locking system. Has anyone else heard this?

Sir William

New member
I base this on feedback from Ruger and others who have new Rugers. The new Ruger Vaqueros, MKIIIs, mini series and the trend is there. Phased in or across the board with redesigns is the question.

Tim Whittaker

New member
I'll have to give Ruger a call on Monday, I'll post their answer as soon as I find out. I'd like to see ILS's as an option not a feature. (donning flame suit) If your state mandates them, so be it, pay more for your guns, or Elect new officials. Leave the other 47 or so States out of it.


New member
The good thing about Ruger's revolvers locks are that they are located behind the grip panels.So they are not visable like on the S&W.They also have nothing to do with the action it simply stops the mainspring from being compressed.


New member
I have the 2005 cataloge and it has a whole page to the ruger alaskan. No where does it mention a Inner lock system. It shows a picture and points out details none mentioning a lock. I know they have them for the single actions but not yet for their double actions. I myself am going to order one before they decide if they are going to add locks.


I didn't even know the single actions had locks under the grip panel until I read it in a John Taffin article yesterday.

By the way, the Alaskan is a Super Redhawk, not a Super Blackhawk (SBH).

Tim Whittaker

New member
I spoke to the sales office in Connecticut and they confirmed that the SRH Alaskan will not have an ILS. They did however say that they've recieved quite a few calls regarding the locks. The lady that I talked to said Ruger will start making the Alaskan in April and we can expect to see them in Early-to-mid May.