Ruger Sales Policy - Gun Shows


New member
I wrote to Ruger regarding the no sales at gun show policy that was reported in the Denver Post and the New York Times. Here is a summary of the "Clarification of Ruger Sales Policy - Gun Shows" dated 1/27/2000 that Ruger sent to me.

First, Ruger does not want it guns sold to individuals just because they have an FFL. Ruger believes that its interests are served better by professional gun dealers who have a stake in running a business and in staying in business. It is Ruger's long-standing policy "to support the true retail gun dealer and help him promote and explain our products to customers in the best and safest possible way...."

Second, the word "exclusively" was added to Ruger's contracts to address distributors and dealers who wanted to sell Ruger firearms through firearm publications. Gun shows were not even considered in the policy.

Third, a newly authorized Ruger distributor interpreted the terms and conditions to mean that Ruger firearms were not to be sold at gun shows. The distributor then issued its own flyer that stated that "Ruger does not want its products displayed or sold at gun shows." A Denver reporter investigating gun shows learned what the distributor had done. Although the reporter tried to contact Ruger, he was unable to reach anyone because everyone was going to Las Vegas for the SHOT Show. The reporter then wrote the erroneous story.

Fourth, Ruger's policy is "that a legitimate storefront retail licensed FFL dealer may exhibit Ruger guns at gun shows."

[This message has been edited by Cawdor (edited February 02, 2000).]


New member
I got the same reply to my letter as well. I'm glad that they clarified things. That still doesn't make up for the high cap magazine fiasco, but it helps alleviate concerns about a total sellout.


New member
I attended a gunshow this weekend and Rugers were very much on display! I am also glad to hear the clarification - perhaps we have been beat up so much that paranoia is setting in...

I took the time to shake hands with, and compliment, every dealer with Rugers on display. They know who supports them!



New member
This is new. It is not what I was told by Ruger at the SHOT Show. Looks like they caved in to the pressure. See SHOT SHOW DAY ONE for Rugers response to my request.


New member
Jeff OTMG,

What were you told? Was there more than was in your Shot Show report? The memo was three pages; I just gave the highlights.

Brett Bellmore

New member
I got the same reply to my letter. I'm glad they "clarified" their policy, but it didn't need clarification, it needed "changing"; What part of "exclusively" do they think we misunderstood? Is it THAT hard to admit that they came out with a bad policy, and had to change it?

Sic semper tyranus!