Ruger PC9


New member
I'm pretty excited. I'll be heading out to the range in an hour or so to test out a Ruger PC9 that finally arrived yesterday.

This is one impressive little carbine, and I'd love to hear about any experiences with them folks here may have had.

If the SHTF, I've always believed having handguns and long guns in the same caliber made a lot of sense. Most 9mm carbines are butt-ugly in my opinion, and the only ones that aren't (Ruger PC9, Marlin Camp 9mm) are out of production. I think Ruger and Marlin would find a good market for these if they brought them back.



New member
A remarkable little carbine, one of the coolest acquisitions of recent times. Shoots really nicely, though I didn't get a whole lot of range time with it today due to a competition match being held by a group shortly after I arrived.

Only fired one 15 round magazine and one 30 round magazine on the 50 yard range, some from the bench and others in standing position. Decently accurate, though I wasn't trying very hard today.

I think what I like about it is its rugged design and construction, ease of handling, good ergonomics, and high magazine capacity. If there is a zombie invasion anytime soon, I'll be ready with it, my Sig p229, and my Kahr CW9. :D

They are getting difficult to find, not a lot of them made in the first place, and people that have them are hanging onto them. Prices are also going up steadily as well, so I'm glad I tracked one down when I did.

I guess the PC4s are a bit more easily found than PC9s, since both models were designed mainly for LE use, and .40 was probably in higher demand.
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New member
I have fallen in love with my PC9. Despite all the bad press they get for the heavy trigger and their weight, etc, it is one gun I will probably never sell for any price.

If the SHTF in any way, the 2 weapons I will grab will be my Sig P229, my Ruger PC9, a handful of magazines for each, and a case of 9mm cartridges. I feel I can trust my life to both of them.

I see a "like-new" PC9 is newly listed on gunsamerica today, and pretty cheap too... in case anyone here is interested.