Ruger P95 vs Springfield XD reliability?


New member
I have a choice between the following 2 pistols. A Ruger P95DC and a Springfield XD sub compact. I like both for totally different reasons. The P95 is is a classic DA/SA hammer gun with a decocker and no manual safety, but a long heavy (but not too heavy ) DA pull. The Springfield XD is a striker fired gun, now with a melonite finish. It is slightly more expensive, but the gun has a lifetime warrantee, and is very popular right now so it will hold its value for resale.

I did research and both seem to to be very reliable. I'm leaning toward the XD, but Springfield's stuipid parts policy is annoying me. Ruger has no issues sending out a part.

I need something that will be totally reliable and last the long haul. This is going to be my primary house gun and range gun. I would love the opinion of people who own both.


New member
I know.....just get both!...on a serious note, tough decision. I have a Ruger P90 and love it. But I just bought my son a XD45. hmm:confused: However, didnt the Army just pick up the contract for Ruger P95 for their service pistol? I know I have in front of me the lastest issue of "Airman" magazine (winter 2007). Its an USAF mag. There is an article and picture on USAF personnel training Iraq soldiers. They are using Ruger P95s (i believe) that are so new, they still have that blue dot/sticker below the decocker lever.


New member
I have a KP95 and it is a great gun for me. It is my CCW. I've got over 1500 rounds through it without a problem.

My wife loved it so much she got herself a P95 because I wouldn't let her have mine.

I would suggest going to a gun store and handling both guns and see which one feels the best. Some people don't like the P95 because of the way it might feel to them (bulky).

It fit my hand perfectly and being left handed the controls were great for me to use.


New member
I don't have an xd yet but from what I have read they are great guns. I bought a 95dc a few years ago because it was cheaper and I could only afford $300. I have the old version without the tac rail. I have never ever had a malfunction with my 95 that wasn't either due to crap mags or lack of cleaning. I'm sure the xd would be the same way. mec-gar makes 17rd for the 95 and I've seen 17's for the xd too. if I could have I would have gotten the xd I just like it alitte more. as far as quality I think they are both pretty close.


New member
Ruger's P95 is a pistol that is well proven to be completely reliable and accurate. I bought one for myself about 6 years ago and liked it so much I bought one for my son a few months later. After many thousands of rounds they just keep on ticking. They are also easy to conceal carry.


New member
I say go with the Ruger, but I'm biased. I've owned a P89 (which is the full size 9mm) for 12 years or so and it has never failed to feed, fire, or eject. I've used factory mags and cheap aftermarkets and every type of ammo from wolf steel core to high grade JHP's and everything has cycled perfectly and shot to point of aim.
I have both and love both.
IMHO, the Springer has been out long enough to prove its mettle. Millions now own, and just about as good of a gun as the next.
The XD is the one I'd go with because there's some trigger creep/gritty feeling on my P95. But, I have SEVERAL thousand rounds through it and it's probably time for a gunsmith to work a little majic.
Any differences are splitting hairs:
The XD does this and the P95 doesn't do this...the P95 has this and the XD doesn't....
Both are great guns, just be sure to try and rent them at a range and plink away.


New member
Get the one that fits your hand best. If you get the XD sub, it comes with a full size mag and a 10 rounder. A Pierce grip extension will work wonders on the 10 round mag.

neil pilling

New member

P-95 owned it and sold it. REGRET IT TO THIS DAY!

I own the HS2000 9mm (XD's older brother) great pistol.

Great gun. Both are very reliable, good ergos.

You have a tough call to make. I would recommend the full size xd9 or the grip extension for the XD SC for a closer comparison.

Have fun with the decision


New member
I own both

the Ruger P95DC 9mm and an XD45 compact. I've had the Ruger for 4 years now with thousands of rounds through it. After a little bit of break in, 200 rounds or so, it's worked flawlessly without a single problem. I used to carry it but now I carry the XD. No reason just a new toy. I still carry the Ruger on occasion. The XD has worked great for me so far but haven't shot it lately. Both supposedly have great customer service but I haven't had to use either. I gave $299 nib with two mag's for the Ruger and $510 for the XD nib. Can't go wrong with either.


New member
As far as reliability they've both been there and done that. The trigger configuration will be the big choice either DA/SA or constant. Have you considered the manual saftey model of the 95? The the XD will be slimmer if you plan on carrying it. If you do go with the Ruger I recomend the current version with stippled grip. I've thrown Rugers across the room before when drawing with dry hands. Good luck


New member
I havent' been overly impressed with the XD. I hate broccoli as well.

Having said that, there's something out there that tickles the fancies of everyone's palate. I'd shoot both, and go with whatever feels best.

If you like da broccoli, den eats da broccoli...:D

I don't think you'll be upset with either choice.


New member
Neither one of them sucks! Have you tried them out at a range yet? That would be my first piece of advice. Then go with the one that you like the best. I own an XD9 and love it. I have over 12,000 rounds through it and have had only 1 Fail to Eject and that was just after I switched out the recoil springs from #18 to a #22, so that may have had something to do with it. Great Gun!! I also own a Ruger KP345 (.45) and love it! Great Gun!! Over 8,000 rounds through it.
Either gun will be great for HD and Range use. Both are reliable. If you are going to CCW, the XD is going to be more friendly. Keep in mind the sub-compact will have a bit more snap/flip than the heavy Ruger (why haven't you considered the XD9 Service 4"?). It's a matter of personal choice and taste.


New member
I've got a P-94 and love it. This thing is a tank: a very robust pistol. I like heavier pistols and so am partial to an all metal set up. The recoil on my P-94 (.40 cal) is as low as my Beretta M-9.

Ruger pistols get overlooked alot of times. They are outstanding and I've yet to see anyone complain about their quality (at any range, or firearm message board).

The XD is the flavor of the year and is seemingly deserving of all of their hype. I was also deciding between the XD and a Ruger P series. I chose the Ruger mostly because it is all metal; it was also nice that the Ruger P series pistols are considerably less expensive than an XD.

I have nothing against the XD. I just liked the Ruger P series more.


New member
Had a P95dc now have a XD40

I dont think you can go wrong with either one of them. The Ruger for some reason just didnt point right for me and the XD sat in my hand perfect. And the grip on the P95 liked to slip a lot if my hand got sweaty at all, I think it was the way they made the grooves in the grip. I had to put a slip on rubber grip on mine and that just made it to thick for comfort.

Personally I would go XD all the way. But that is just me.

BTW Donovan the p95 is not the all steel version it is the plastic just like the XD is. Dont know if you realized that. (Doh just realized you have the 94 version which is the all steel)



New member
I owned a P95 for a number of years, and it functioned perfectly through 3500 rounds of U.S. spec. ammo but malfed quite a bit with Sellier & Bellot. The barrel showed some wear after awhile (@2000 rounds) on (what I believe is called) the cam block where it contacted the recoil spring assembly. Despite its perfect functioning with U.S. ammo, I sent it to Ruger, just for them to look at, and they gave me a new barrel and assembly for free, no questions asked. Ruger gives great service despite having no written warranty.

I eventually came to dislike the long trigger pull on the P95 and realized its grip and trigger reach were just a bit too big for me, so sold it to a good friend. The trigger pull does not sound like a problem for you, and it also smooths a bit over time.

I have also owned two examples of the XD9, which felt much better in my hands than the P95 and has a great trigger reach for me. Both XD9s, however, began NOT to extract Winchester ammo after only 300 to 400 rounds. I suppose the solution would have been to avoid Winchester ammo (like no longer using S&B in the old P95), but to me the FTEs indicated a less-than-robust extractor design, like the old internal 1911 extractor which loses tension after awhile. The P95, by contrast, has a monster claw for an extractor.

I know the XD9 has been through a remarkable torture test in one of the gun magazines (Chaim Stein was the tester), and so has the P95.

I just felt the extractor design was less than good, so sold both XDs to friends who wanted them (telling them about the Winchester issue).

I also felt uncomfortable having the XD as a "house" gun, leaving it with a striker cocked for a long period of time, because the XD's striker is 98% cocked. I know this is not supposed to matter, but I didn't like it. I now have a Glock 19, which poses less of a problem in that regard and is renowned for long term reliability and durabilty.

Particularly if you like the trigger and grip feel, I would go with the P95 over the XD for what seems to me is greater durability and long-term proven reliability; I would have more comfort in that choice long-term. You should also save a few bucks.