Ruger P90 gritty trigger pull


New member
I have tolerated my Ruger P90 gritty trigger for way too long. At the end of the trigger stroke right before it breaks, there is a very rough gritty feel in the trigger. This always occurs in the single action pull. On the double action pull it is very smooth. Today I pulled the trigger out and tried to locate where the gritty friction/contact was. I thought the trigger had some rough spots and I used some emery cloth to try to smooth out just enough to try to eliminate it. But that didn't work, the trouble spot is somewhere else. It seems like the trigger bar rubs the frame in the single action pull, but has a little clearance on the double pull. I pulled the trigger on another guys P90 with similar feel. Does anyone else has the same issue? And does anyone have a cure?


New member
It is mostly at the engagement surface between the sear and the full cock notch in the hammer. It requires a proper trigger job done by a pistolsmith.
