Ruger No.1 Disassembly


New member
Has anyone ever diassembled the action of a Ruger No.1? I`m having a heck of a time trying to get the lever off. The instructions say to insert a slave pin thruogh hole in hammer strut. What the heck is a slave pin and where is the hammer strut? This on line 5 of the instructions. I think it has something to do with releasing the tension on the hammer because I cannot get the assembly out of the receiver.

(Rifle Must Be Unloaded Prior To Disassembly)
1. Keep the rifle pointed in a safe direction! Open the underlever and put the
safety in the “Safe” position.
3. Study the drawing below and those on pages 9 and 20. Use a screwdriver
whose tip correctly fits the screw slot.
4. Remove the forearm by unscrewing the forearm takedown screw and gently
pulling the forearm away from the receiver.
5. With hammer cocked, insert a “slave pin” through hole in hammer strut.
6. Pull trigger to release hammer spring tension.
7. Remove the hammer spring and strut as an assembly.
8. Lower the lever, unscrew lever pivot screw and lever pivot pin.
9. Remove hammer.
10. Raise lever to close breech, then lower lever about halfway and pull
downward, removing the breech block, breech block arm and the linkage as a
unit from the bottom of the receiver.
11. Remove the ejector, ejector plunger, and ejector plunger spring.
This is the extent of disassembly required for routine inspection, cleaning and
lubrication. Further disassembly is not recommended!
A slave pin is inserted to hold something in place while disassembling. You can go to Brownells website, click on schematics, Ruger, Number 1 and that should help with a parts blow up.


New member
The slave pin, I used a 4P finish nail, holds the spring in the compressed state so that it can be easily removed then reinstalled. It has been a while since I took mine apart but it was not too bad. As I recall, the strut comes out then the screw holding the lever allows the lever then the block to come out the bottom.


New member
I have schematics for the gun in my manual. What I can`t figure out is, where do you put the slave pin in at. There is no hole to insert it in. What do they mean with the hammer cocked? :mad:


New member
It is under the forearm. A flat piece of metal with a slight curve with a spring surrounding it. There is a hole in the flat part of the piece. Lowering the lever then bringing it back should expose the hole. The pin captures the spring so you can take the piece out.


New member
OK, Ifinally see where the hole is. I inserted a small pin in there and released the tension on it. Now, how do you get the spring assembly out of it. It wiggles around but it sure as heck is`nt coming out.
I`ll tell ya, Ruger needs to explain this better in their manuals. Were not gunsmiths.


New member

Leave the nail in place and do whatever it is you wanted to the gun taken down, then reverse the procedure you did to get it apart. With the hammer back in place, you can remove the nail so the strut can move back when the hammer is down.


New member
good deal

Remember this trick on ruger revolvers as well. You have to be able to captivate the mainspring to get it all back together again.