Ruger Named One of America's Best Small Companies


New member
MSN Money just named Sturm Ruger one of America's best small companies. Here's the numbers.
Sturm, Ruger
Sales: $676 million
5-year sales growth: 28%
5-year EPS growth: 58%
5-year ROE: 47%


New member
while good news, tbey kinda stepped in it lately

Still not paying attention to the wants of gun owners recently. 9mm wheel gun with moon clips, scout Rifle in .223 bolt action that will not take a AR magazine, but has a$1000 msr and $70 magazine, a AR .556 that isnt anything offered elsewhere. All new products in the past 45 days. That are over priced, dated or already out in the market with a customer base.

Now dont twist your undies. I love my rugers. My CCW guns are Ruger and I dont leave home with out one and trust them.


New member
As long as Santa can get me that GP100 10 shot 22lr I saw in another thread Ruger can make all the derringers that shoot green flares they want.:D
I'm curious if those sales figures and growth reflect any slowdown of the consumer in the past six months.

McD's, Costco, Amazon and CocaCola sales are down. Sears is closing hundreds of stores before Christmas. The consumer doesn't have disposable capital like back in Y2K or the '90s.

Shotgun Slim

New member
When the Obama gun buying surge was in full swing the stock prices of Ruger and Smith and Wesson surged accordingly and now those prices have fallen precipitously to reflect the saturated market and the buying slowdown. The rosy sales forecasts have been replaced by stories of unsold inventory.


New member
I can remember Ruger stock being discussed on FBN around the first of the year as a great performer and investment. Of course politics played a crucial role in Rugers success.


New member
Pretty diverse too

Their investment casting part of the business is into industries other than firearms.
I like their improvement on the classic snub nosed(LCR) revolvers.
Ugly as sin, yet very high marks from those who shoot them. Thinking I need to take the plunge.


New member
Hmmm, from another thread.


Just today Ruger announced some scary numbers.

Net income fell 76 percent to $6.78 million, or 34 cents a diluted share, from $28.7 million, or $1.44 a year earlier, the Southport, Connecticut-based company said in a statement. Analysts had estimated 94 cents, the average of three estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Sales dropped 42 percent to $98.3 million missing the average estimate of $143 million.