Ruger Mk2 cdnn mag issues.


New member
I ordered a pile of these cdnn mk2 mags last year and after several range trips none of them seem to work right. It looks to me that the base plate is out of spec and doesn't let the mag rise far enough up for the bolt to properly strip a round. Now if I apply pressure to the mag it rises up a bit and works much better.

So I am guessing the base plates are to thin? Anyone have similar issues with these? Or possible fixes? Thinking about perhaps a spacer or something thicken it up.

About ready to throw in the towel and mail them back.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Does the gun work properly with other MKII mags?

If it does, it's arguably a mag issue; if it doesn't, the problem MIGHT be the gun and not the mags.

Could it be something like the spring-loaded mag release (called the mag latch) on the heel of the grip is letting the mag slip down a bit? You shouldn't be able to make the mag fit tighter (i.e., higher) if it's properly held in position by the mag latch.

The fact that the mags worked properly at first argues against the base plates being too thin... as they are unlikely to have changed or been worn THAT much. Maybe the Mag Latch Spring needs replacement?

(And no, I've not heard of this being a problem with other MKII models. I've had three and that was never an issue with any of them.)