Ruger MK I, II, III speed strip kit


New member
IF you cant break down your Ruger in under 30 seconds after doing it 5 or ten times then this might be needed. But in my opinion if you cant do it without tools after 5 or ten tries then you should not bother.


New member
Yes, I do have opossable thumbs. I was just wondering about it. I have yet to take mine apart, but after looking at the manual I see that it is pretty complicated. I'm sure i can do it It is just that disassembly seems pretty convoluted.


New member
The only tough thing about a Ruger is keeping the hammer and hammer strut in the forward position (upon reassembly) and tipping the gun so the strut engages the spring in the proper position when you close it up. As others have said once you've done it a few times it's a piece of cake.


Boone Hillbilly

New member
I spent several hours(ok days) trying to get my 22/45 back together the first time.. Now it is super easy:) Oh and I only have one thumb:barf:


New member
The one thing they (conveniently?) don't mention about the Speed Strip Kit is that it requires you to use the included, proprietary, hammer. I don't know if you've put a Volquartson sear in your MK pistol yet (and if you haven't, you should: It's the single best $20 you can spend on your Ruger) but if you have, you'll need to remove it and replace it with the factory sear, since the Speed Strip Kit's hammer won't work with anything BUT the factory sear.


New member
Getting them apart is EASY.
Reassembly is a bit of a different matter.
I always manage to get min back together, somehow.
I really don't think speed tools are needed.


New member
I too have thought about this kit. I am not one of the macho guys who can reassemble in 10 sec, yeah right!!! These guns are the biggest pain to field strip and reassemble and if you are like me and don't shoot it that often everytime you do shoot it and strip it to clean it you have to dig out the manual and learn it all over again. Don't have to do that with any other pistol I own. I think I might try it.


New member
stip gun

twice in row ---> second time making notes (cheat sheet) in your own word for easy reassemble . better than any manual , i keep said cheat sheet with cleaning kit :p


New member
I found the Volquartsen sear on their website for $22. Rimfire sports does not list it seperately. I will give it a shot. The winter league is over, I have time to break it down and mess around with it.

Also, I bought a spring set for my old High Standard Supermatic last year from Brownell's but never installed them. Anything I should be wary of in doing this. I know its not a Ruger question but thought I would pick people's brains on that while I was at it.