Ruger LCP

I just finally recieved my new Ruger LCP from the local fun shop today! After work tomorrow I will hit the range and return here to give a report of the LCP's performance.

The LCP tucked away nicely in the Desanti Nemesis Holster

LCP portrait


New member
I'm still trying to get my hands on one. Every week I call several local shops to see if any are available and they just laugh. The only way to get one here is to go to the gun show and pay $400. At that price they are usually gone in the first 30 minutes. I really don't want to pay $400 for a LCP but the longer I wait the more I'm tempted.

Just curious, how long did you have to wait and what did it set you back? I'm also anxious to see the new Kahr .380 when and if it ever ships but I'm sure it will be a good deal more than the Ruger.


Interesting as they are not unavailable at my gun shop in Bettendorf, Ia
In the case for $299. I'd buy one but have enough KelTecs. the grip is better on the Ruger IMHO
When I placed my pre-order I was 4th in line to get mine. The manager said they get anywhere from 1 to 5 shipped to them at a time. I was real lucky as they received 4 this shipment :D

I only had to wait 10 days. From what they told me is if a dealer doesn't place large orders with ruger then they don't have priority for getting the hard to get guns that are pre-orders. Fortunately the gun dealer here is quite large and does a good amount of ordering per year.

This one cost me $350.00 out the door. More than I would have liked to pay but to me it's worth it just to not have to wait otherwise. Plus by getting it local they will back me if there's a problem.


New member
The more I read this stuff, the luckier I feel walking into my local shop and just picked one up. They had a "Ruger Factory" sale and actually had 10 LCPs on hand.

The LCPs are great pocket guns. Good luck with yours. Mine has been with me almost constantly since I bought it.


New member
Local shop has no trouble getting them, they sell for $289.95, IIRC.

I wouldn't pay a premium for one, just wait a bit longer, KTs were selling the same way when first introduced... it'll change.


New member
I am still waiting for mine... They should be shipping in higher qty in August. I have been waiting for a few weeks. It sux when I ordered my 870 PG last week and i was told today that it is here. I will wait on for my LCP.


New member
On the waiting list too. Anyone in Dallas have a better solution at or below MSRP? (The drive to Sherman would eat away any price advantage 9x19.)
:D Thankfully my LCP report is a positive one!

Before taking it to the range I cleaned the factory oil out with Birchwood Gun spray. Then I relubed with CLP on the internals and I used Hoppes oil on the side rails.

At the range I loaded two mags with Fiochhi 95gr FMJ. First mag was slow fire at a target setting at 7 yards. Nary a hiccup and accuracy was very acceptable. Next mag I fired fast fire and again no problems. I fired 50 rounds of the Fiochhi total.

Next I loaded & fired 50 rounds of WWB FMJ from Walmart. The results were the same. All went off without a hitch.

Recoil to me was very acceptable and controllable. I toyed with the idea of installing the magazine finger extensions but after this range visit I am going to opt out on using those. I have what I consider strong fingers and hands and had no trouble controlling the LCP. It should make for better concealability anyhow.

This is certainly going to be my new hot weather light dress carry gun.

Did I get lucky and get a flawless opertaing LCP or did Ruger figure out some past problems and get them rectified ? I suppose the jury is out on this one but I can honestly say I'm thrilled with this new piece.

That is all, carry on men. :)

The Great Mahoo

New member
I really like the LCP, far more than the Kel-Techs. They are just much more comfortable to hold, and I imagine, shoot. Look a heck of a lot nicer too.

I recently passed up on an LCP in favor of a new Glock for concealed carry. While I like the Glock, I can't help but wish i had picked up the LCP, since it is now sold and the local shop claims to have a lot of trouble getting them in. Oh well, perhaps in the near future!


New member
I hope our dealers selling Ruger LCPs for above the MSRP of $330 doesn't complain about high gas prices or high milk prices.


New member
I lucked up and found an LCP at The Gun Depot (New Gun Store) in Elizabethton TN last Saturday. They advertised they had 10 on hand for their grand opening and when I got there they only had two left, so I got one. I really didn't think I was going to get one but after I held it and checked it out I had to have it.
I took it to the range the next day and put 30 rounds through it before the rains and storms came through so I had to stop. I was very impressed with the groups I got at 10 yards using 95 gr. Remington UMC. No problems of any kind. But I will say after 30 rounds, my hand was starting to feel the effects.
I can shoot 100 rounds through my XD9 and not feel any discomfort, but the LCP was making my hand start to hurt. It packs a pretty good punch on your hand and wrist.
I would also advise anyone who gets a NIB LCP to give it a thorough cleaning before the first range trip. The one I got was absolutely soaked in whatever it is they ship it with. It was nearly dripping off the rails when I looked at it at the gun store.


New member
Ruger LCP Availability!

Ruger is producing 10,000 per month. The supply will catch up with the demand in approx. 60 to 90 days. Just remember those dealers selling the LCP above the MSRP of $330.


New member
I got a call from my dealer yesterday evening. My LCP will be waiting for me today when I get off work. Priced right at 3 bills.


New member

I picked mine up this week and really enjoy it. I also purchased a High Noon holster and it is a great combination. It has been and will be with me at all times.


New member
Those living in the Huntsville, Alabama, area are in luck; Larry's Pistol & Pawn is in the middle of a big Ruger promotion and has been selling LCPs for less than MSRP! I do not know how long the supply will last, but they were still available when I checked this weekend.
