Ruger LC9 Slide Finish....


Active member
I regularly carry my Ruger LC9 in a fairly humid climate. I do not keep any oil on the slide (however I might have coated it with Johnson's wax once). I have experienced no rust or even any hint of rust on the slide or other steel parts.

I really just have two questions out of curiosity: 1) has anyone experienced any rust on their Ruger LC9? 2) Does anyone know what finish treatment Ruger used on the LC9 slide?


New member
LC9 slide

I acquired a Talo which has a nickle slide. I specifically wanted the nickle because I seldom use a holster with this pistol and it is in my waist band when I walk out so the standard Ruger finish is not adequate. I found this to be the case with the LCP. I also removed the blue on the barrel simply for appearance (looks terrific by the way) and I have had no rust problems at all. I do make it a point to field strip and very very lite lub the slide and contact points evry couple of months and checking for lint and rust is part of the drill. If I had a blued slide and used a holster I would leave a minute coating of Breakfree on the slide and then not give it a thought. Now the magazines on the P and my 9 have had rust since I took possession and I work on them with Breakfree often.


Active member
In know that Glock's slides are treated; I was wondering if Ruger's slide has some sort of "anti-rust" treatment. If it didn't, I would expect to see some hint of rust on mine, or at least some holster wear. It just doesn't seem like it's standard blue.