Ruger LC9 or Kahr K9 (black)?


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I have an LCP (I'm keeping) and a Kahr P45 (too much so I'm selling). I had a P40 which I liked but sold to a buddy. I am old, small and have arthritis, so I want a light-weight, easily concealed slim 9mm for IWB or OWB daily carry. I'm considering the K9 rather than P9 because of the slightly heavier weight (but haven't ruled out a P9). I would appreciate opinions based on actual experience with either or both the LC9 and K9 (or P9).


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my 2cents

I can't speak for the steel frame Kahr pistols, But the Kahr PM9 I own has been top notch as far as reliability and it carrys like a dream...its so light and thin it can be pocket carried...I carry mine in a inside the waistband all day long with no discomfort. I have shot many subcompacts and snubbies and this little 9MM is by far the most accurate in my hand, and recoil is less than my LCP in my opinion, My LCP gets carried in a wallet holster at work but gets put in the safe when I get home in favor of the PM9 for comfortable carry inside the waistband in a Galco tuck and go. At least hold one and if possible maybe shoot one, this pistol has no competition for its size and weight...Unless you really do not like polymer, then disregard all of the above:D


New member
My buddy who bought my P40 also has a PM9. The only reason I am considering the K9 is the slightly heavier weight than the P9 (better for shooting, not carrying, of course).

Shadi Khalil

New member
I owned a MK9, the K9's short barreled version, and have shot the K9 many times. The steel framed Kahr's are some of the finest single stacks out there, IMO.


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I have owned a K9 and rented a P9 a couple of times. You said you wanted a lightweight, the P9 as you know is substantially lighter.

I don't think recoil is much of an issue for the P9, I find it very comfortable to shoot with a nice trigger, so why not carry less weight.

The Ruger LC9 is based on the Kel-tec PF9, which I have owned, and which had substantial recoil and muzzle flip, enough so that I sold it.

Supposedly, from a test I've read (in Gun Tests), Ruger shaped the grip on the LC9 to have less felt recoil, but I would still think it would kick harder than the Kahr P9.

It does not sound like Ruger has trimmed felt recoil to Kahr levels, and from all of the accounts the trigger on the LC9 is not a good as a Kahr trigger.

So, given your choices, my first pick would be the Kahr P9 ( or actually, its much less expensive version, the CW9), my second pick the K9. There appear to be alot of happy LC9 owners out there, so you probably can't go wrong.


I love my LCP380, so the natural choice for me would be an LC9

just fyi, i have shot the Keltec PF9 as well, i like them quite a bit, but, i'd still prefer the ruger. they both have pro's and con's.


New member
I shoot both the Kahr K9 and P9 regularly. There isn't that much difference between them recoil wise. The heavier K9 is probably softer shooting but not dramatically so. Either Kahr have fairly heavy recoil springs. Are you able to easily rack the slide with your arthritis?

One difference between these two pistols is in the trigger. The P9 comes with Kahrs short pull trigger and soon it will sport the new enhanced trigger, (probably at an enhanced price as well). The K9 comes in two triggers, usually the longer pull as standard and the short trigger as an option. Know which is on the particular K9 you are looking at.

I love the look of the black K9... all business, no frills, perfect. Good luck with your search.

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New member
My wife has a Kahr P9 and loves it, mostly due to the grip; it has been very reliable.
I don't like internal locks, so if I was in the market for a single stack 9mm Kahr would be 1st pick. I had a PM9 and it worked great, should have kept it.


New member
My wife LOVES the K9, she is getting one for V-day but doesn't know it yet. She and I had a chance to shoot several small 9's, including the LC9 and both of us agree the K9 was by far the best of any that we shot. The trigger IMO is the smoothest out of the box DAO trigger I have ever felt, equal to any SIG, H&K, CZ or Ruger trigger.


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I am able to rack the slide of my Kahr P45 (and all of my semi auto pistols) without difficulty. I do not want a short, light trigger (like a 1911 or a Para LDA) for carry. I've shot a PM9 and want something longer and heavier with a slightly longer grip, like the P9, K9 and LC9.


New member
lefteye, I've had a P9 for quite some time and recently used some credit I had with a LGS to picked up a LC9. Side by side the two are quite similar in size, capacity and weight. The LC9 feels smaller due to its less boxy shape. This allows it to be carried and drawn from some pockets much easier than the P9.
They are both very accurate, but the P9 is easier to shoot well due to the shorter trigger design.
However, when it comes to felt recoil there is no comparison. I can shoot 200 rounds through the P9 with no more discomfort then I would feel doing the same with a Glock 19. However, after 75 rounds with the LC9 I was quite happy to put the gun back in the range bag.



New member
I have a K9 and a CW45, and like them both for different reasons. I am more of a steel frame kind of guy though, so I would say go with the K9 over the P9 since you won't be pocket carrying either of them. My K9 has been flawless since I bought it a year or so ago. The only polymer Kahr I've shot in 9mm was a TP9, but that's not really a direct comparison for the P9. If you don't mind the extra weight (or prefer it in my case), the choice is easy.

chris in va

New member
I thoroughly enjoy my K9. Somehow Kahr managed to get the ergos just right on this smaller gun. Bore axis is very low and the trigger pretty much eliminates flinching.

Pretty obvious what my vote is.


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The "extra" weight of the K9 is one important reason I am considering it as a superior alternative to the LC9. The Kahr pistols I've shot - P40, P45 and PM9 - have excellent triggers for a carry gun, neither too long and heavy nor too short and light.

chris in va

New member
I should mention one thing about the K9 I have, now that I think about it.

Mine is the 'special edition' with stainless frame and carbon steel slide. It has the longer 1\2" trigger pull. Right away I noticed it had some really sharp edges on the back of the grip, and on the trigger guard. It was actually cutting the web of my hand. 5 minutes with a Dremel fixed the issue, but thought I'd let you know.


New member
I have both the Kahr K9 and an LC9. I like both guns and shoot them well. The K9 i've had for a long time and was my go to carry gun for the summer or any other time I was dressed in light clothes. Then I bought the LC9 and this is now my go to gun for the above mentions times. It's lighter, slimmer, has the same capacity as the K9, and is overall easier to carry. Though, ergonomics on the Kahr is better. It's just the trade off I've decided to accept. No issues with either gun as far as reliability.


New member
Do you mean the "Elite" with polished stainless steel?

Early Kahr K9s had carbon steel slides. The "Elite" came a few years later after the switch to all stainless. Chris has a somewhat rare K9.