Ruger Gun Site questions...

so I'm looking to add a .308 bolt action this year... I'm not a huge fan of the Tactikool looking rifles, but think I could work with the Ruger... ( I'd pull the Picitiny rail off, replace the flash hider with a compensator, & add a nice scope with a set of Ruger rings, since the receiver is set up for them )

well... maybe... I was in Cabelas last Saturday, & they had a walnut stocked rifle... I went to Rugers website today, & they don't show a walnut stocked rifle... the salesman said they came out like 8 months ago ( I've learned to be skeptical of most gun sales people ) the website shows a green & black laminate as a distributor exclusive, but no walnut... so anyone have any info there ???

also anyone know how hard it would be to convert one to use the M-1 magazines like the Mossburg does ???

& one more... does Ruger offer lower capacity magazines... I like to casually shoot off the bench on my personal range, & the 20 rounder I think sticks out too far to shoot how I would normally
... oh... & BTW... thoughts on the Browning X Bolt ??? they had a couple on clearance at $800.00 I thought looked pretty nice with a walnut stock... don't know what is available in magazines though

my thoughts on this rifle purchase, is for it to be versatile so normally I wouldn't want a detachable magazine, but I think on this rifle I'm looking for a meld of traditional looks, & tactical use if needed, so I'd like a 4-5 round magazine, with the ability to slip in a 20 rounder if I wanted

I wouldn't mind the Mossburg, as a builder... if there was a nice wood stock available but I don't like their plastic one at all... any other options


New member
The Ruger Hawkeye is offered in both blue/walnut and SS/synthetic.

I personally think the All Weather in SS/Synthetic chambered in 308 with a low powered scope is a better scout rifle than the gun site version. The barrel could be chopped to about 20" and iron sights added for less money than you'd pay for the scout rifle, and you'd end up with a better rifle.

And yes Ruger does offer other magazines, but Id rather have the floorplate on a bolt rifle.

Dave P

New member
I like my Gunsite - but it is a very expensive mediocre bolt gun. I got it to put a can on, and load subsonic for it. (Still waiting for the can)

The short mags (plastic) are nice, because you can load them from the top.


New member
I like mine, but you have to recognize some of its faults.

It's heavy for its advertised purpose. The picatinny rail is overkill for a forward scope mount. The 16" barrel negatively affects ballistics when compared to a 22-24" barrel. The 10 round mag is a little ridiculous and AI mags are expensive with a capital E. Plus the Ruger flash hider is hideous.

It comes in a LH version, which I bought. It comes from the factory ready to support a scout scope, which I am a big fan of. It balances well at the shoulder. It has a semi adjustable LOP, I like a short stock. Mine is extremely accurate with mediocre handloads. Ruger mags are available at a reasonable price with practical capacities (for hunting, carrying or bench shooting). It is also still lighter than all but the very lightest AR-10 variants.

And the big winner...

Its short.

I generally am in and out of a pickup several times during a day of hunting. My rifle rides muzzle down between the console and the passenger seat. The GSR rides there perfectly and is easy to handle in the cab of a truck.

As for the walnut version, some were a distributor exclusive, and there are also some walnut 18" non threaded versions intended for export.

Check out the forums at, those guys have a lot of info and experience with the various GSR's.

ETA: I wouldn't buy one with the idea of modifying it for m1a mags. I don't think the savings over Ruger mags would be worth the cost or effort of modifying it, unless you plan on buying mags by the pallet. I'm not certain its even possible. Of course, I don't have a retired machinist buddy to do my gunsmithing for cheap either ;-)
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New member

Hey, Wheelman, you get and do what you want..but consider this.

Buying a Scout, to take the rail off and run regular rings, seems like a bit of "cart before the horse" since you asked. If I wasn't going to "scoutscope" it, I sure wouldn't pay for it, and go through the hassle of pulling it as well. Consider two other options if you haven't already:

-The Mossberg Patrol .308. Conventionally mounted scope, box mag, threaded muzzle....the features you seem to want. I handled one in .223 the other day. Priced less than the Ruger Scout too.

-Rem 700 XCR 20" tactical. Not a common number that all know about. This one will cost you a bunch more, over a grand box mag, no threaded muzzle, but they are under 8 lbs bare with their fluted barrel, and the finish is upgraded tough, and the stock is premium.

-Savage Hog Rifle. Plain jane, no frills, but the two I've been around are
shooters. No box mag, but a threaded muzzle to attach whatever you want.
The 20" med heavy tube feels just right to me.

A handy .308 bolt, from whoever, is a very good GP rifle in my book. Let us know what you do.
thanks for the replies guys...

I have looked at the Mossberg, but just can't get past the stock... perhaps there is a wood laminate or walnut stock out there that will fit that action ???

as far as detach or no... I'm kinda here & there on them... I don't like the looks in general, but the Browning X Bolt I saw at Cabelas this last weekend didn't look too bad, I can see the detach adding to the versatility though

the rack that this .308 would go on, it would be in good company, nothing super fancy, but includes 3 Remington 700's, a couple Rugers, & on older but nicer sporterized 93 Mauser

part of the problem I have with the newer scout rifles, is IMO, they are missing the reason for the forward mounted scope... grooves for a stripper clip... otherwise they could just as well have the scope mounted over the receiver...
I did some digging, & the stainless / walnut version might be a Cabelas exclusive ??? seem many have bought them from Cabelas... funny they are not on Ruger's web site ??? if you click the 4th thumbnail picture, it brings up the walnut / stainless version picture

I'm thinking this rifle, with stainless Ruger rings, remove the picitiny rail, add a stainless compensator, or just a thread protector would fit my needs... still don't like the proprietary magazines, but if a 4 or 5 rounder is available for bench shooting... might just be my next .308... although... I was looking at the Browning X bolt specifications this morning also :rolleyes:


New member
Check the ruger website for mag availability. If I'm not mistaken, you can get ruger made polymer mags in 3,5 and 10 round capacities. They are almost certain to cost less than the browning equivalents. They're also way less than the AI branded mags.

Opinions will differ on scope placement on a scout rifle. Though I don't use stripper clips, I find that a 4x long eye relief scope is perfect for me for both eyes open shooting at closer ranges, but capable of longer shots with no problems.
I agree that if you are mounting a conventional scope, there are better and cheaper options than the GSR.

If you are serious about the X-bolt, you might also look at some used A-bolts. IMO, they're a nicer rifle and can often be had used for well under $500. They have a sorta removable magazine, though like the X-bolt, replacements are expensive.
Midway has 3 round & 10 round mags for the Rugers, $29.00 in stock...

BTW... I have two A Bolts... both Stainless Stalkers, with BOSS's... one in 338 Win Mag, & the other in 375 H&H... both of those are wonder full rifles... not very pretty, being stainless composite, but very serviceable... & I kinda like the mag attached to the floor plate set up, that they use...
In my opinion, I think you may be going about this all wrong. What's the purpose or purposes of this rifle?

I'd pull the Picitiny rail off .... & add a nice scope with a set of Ruger rings, since the receiver is set up for them

Nothing wrong with that but that's one of the main features / advantages of the rifle, to have the forward-mounted scope. Any turnbolt can do that... So, *so far*, you don't 'need' a Ruger GSR rifle to do what you want to do. PM me if you want forward-mounted scope ideas - they really are a benefit, IMO. In other words, leave as is, is what I'd do, and use that feature.

replace the flash hider with a compensator

Why? To reduce recoil? It makes the gun extremely loud, and the point of this gun is actual field use under varying conditions, for various purposes, where you will not have hearing protection on. You don't want a loudener on a gun like that. The flash hider you just might want in a night shooting situation (however theoretical). A .308 doesn't recoil that much. As for muzzle flip - meh, you have to cycle manually anyway - during the time it takes to cycle, the muzzle is back down with no additional marginal time.

And you could thread almost any rifle for that, so again, you don't really 'need' the GSR so far.

also anyone know how hard it would be to convert one to use the M-1 magazines like the Mossburg does ???

Do you mean M14 mags?

& one more... does Ruger offer lower capacity magazines... I like to casually shoot off the bench on my personal range, & the 20 rounder I think sticks out too far to shoot how I would normally.

Now you're on the right track and asking the right question... But perhaps not yet the BEST question, which is, does Ruger have a rifle that doesn't take ANY mags but just has a fixed floorplate? The answer is yes of course, and that's my roundabout way to ask - why on EARTH would anyone want a detachable mag on a turnbolt, ever? It's just something to lose and get in the way and it offers no advantage over a fixed internal mag. None. When are you really going to switch mags out? Would that ever really happen? If if you find yourself in a firefight, since by definition, you've just *found yourself in a firefight withOUT a semi-auto fighting rifle*, the only point is to escape and evade (i.e. retreat)... so you only need to fire some suppressive fire to allow for displacement, or if fighting a lone enemy, end the engagement decisively in your favor - 5+1 of most turnbolts should be way more than enough to do that, and if it's not, then you should be retreating. I understand the theoretical concept of needing more ammo, but I think it's solely theoretical, and that's *including* far-fetched (but not impossible) SHTF-WROL scenarios.

But, having said that, if you DO buy into the idea that you will need that full mag (and extra mag) for a firefight (SHTF-WROL), then you're back to a situation where the OTHER two features that you plan to do away with would become indispensable (potentially): The flash hider to hide your position, and the forward mounted scope to get off shots on moving enemy targets who are shooting back while seeing the big picture with huge forgiving eye relief, not a little exit pupil with a narrow eye relief window as on a traditional scope.

See what I'm getting at? Either you go all-in with the concept or get a regular turnbolt, seems to me. And you also give up bbl length with that rifle. I'd rather have at least 18" or 20". And the stock weight doesn't match the bbl weight.. You've sacrificed velocity with the 16" bbl for a good cause (weight savings), but then used that really heavy stock, eliminating your gains - why?

Even if you do want that short of a barrel, you can cut ANY .308 to 16 with a cut-crown-reblue job. Heck, probably less than $150 for cut-crown-thread-and-reblue.

I'm a believer in the scout rifle concept (except for the detachable mag part), but it seems like you're trying to go out of your way to assemble the worst of all worlds in features. for an all-purpose rifle: Heavy stock, traditional scope placement, loudener, short barrel (make the loudener EVEN louder still), detachable mag.

Sorry, I just don't get it. Nothing wrong with your result - still a pretty good rifle. But for the concept that IS the Ruger GSR, the only thing you should change is one of the things you alluded to - getting a 10-rounder rather than a 20-rounder, for shooting prone, etc. Leave everything else as is and put an IER scope on it.

Oh, and one final thing: 7mm-08 is a better chambering for a scout rifle ... So get the Savage. Sorry, had to. :) (although the Savage may not come in 7-08 anymore - used to).


Midway has 3 round & 10 round mags for the Rugers, $29.00 in stock...

Oh, good.

-Savage Hog Rifle. Plain jane, no frills, but the two I've been around are
shooters. No box mag, but a threaded muzzle to attach whatever you want.
The 20" med heavy tube feels just right to me.

Now you're talking. That's seems more like what you want. Or at least what *I* would want in your shoes.

You said you like to shoot casually off the bench. A 16" .308 is very unpleasant to shoot in those conditions, or any conditions really - and that's withOUT a loudener. There's a happy medium between 16 and a 22 or more.

Now, if you took the Ruger GSR, and did two things - replaced the heavy wood stock with a carbon-fiber filled, fiberglass & graphite stock, and converted it to a fixed mag with floorplate, (then added an IER scope), you'd be cooking with butane and have a raison d'etre for your 16" bbl. In my view.
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DREMEL... not too shy to let your opinions known are you ;)

Why? To reduce recoil? It makes the gun extremely loud,

that is an old gunnys tale...:) & maybe true if you buy off the shelf ( I don't do much of that, nearly everything I own, ends up getting customized in some way... sorry I can't help myself )

actually I have a buddy that can make me a compensator with the ports angled away from the shooter, & the gun is no louder than without a compensator :) ... this buddy helps my custom fetish along... he can't help himself either

if I were worried about SHTF I'd use my one of my "real" milsurp rifles :) so the flash hider means nothing to me...

a Vintage wood stocked Remington 700 BDL would be more my speed, but those are selling for crazy prices... ( last one I saw available sold for twice what Cabelas was asking for the Walnut stocked Gun Site )

I use these forums to think out loud, & allow others to input into my thoughts & give me more to think about... you don't need to try so hard to get your opinion across here... you're coming through loud & clear... & I'm still thinking
Magnum wheel man....

not too shy to let your opinions known are you

No, sorry - but in my defense, I do it to try to prevent others from repeating my mistakes.

that is an old gunnys tale... & maybe true if you buy off the shelf ( I don't do much of that, nearly everything I own, ends up getting customized in some way... sorry I can't help myself )

actually I have a buddy that can make me a compensator with the ports angled away from the shooter, & the gun is no louder than without a compensator

Well, hmmm. OK, I did not know that. Interesting. Can anyone 2nd that?

if I were worried about SHTF I'd use my one of my "real" milsurp rifles so the flash hider means nothing to me...

OK, fair enough. But then again, if you have other rifles for SHTF-WROL, then that bodes more toward making this a longer bbl, for "other" uses, doesn't it?

a Vintage wood stocked Remington 700 BDL would be more my speed, but those are selling for crazy prices... ( last one I saw available sold for twice what Cabelas was asking for the Walnut stocked Gun Site )

OK, but do you check gunbroker and gun boards and armslist and such? There are deals to be found occasionally. And that Ruger is very pricey, is it not?

I use these forums to think out loud, & allow others to input into my thoughts & give me more to think about... you don't need to try so hard to get your opinion across here... you're coming through loud & clear... & I'm still thinking

OK, sorry. I will be more subtle. Hey, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I hope to be wrong on the compensator issue - I thought they were *always* loudeners. I also think out loud by typing/sharing. I'm always trying to learn, too. :)

But having covered all that, what are your uses for this? I think I missed that still..... Like "70% hunting and 30% bench shooting" or what?


New member
detachable mag

My Dad always liked a box mag....on any rifle, cause he found it easier to load and unload for a hunt. He'd insert a full mag, cycle the action and pick up a round, ....good to go. Reverse process at end of day and snap loose round back in the mag, mag stowed for next time, usually in coat pocket.

He never lost a mag. But.......I know lots of guys who have, and converted their repeaters into single shots for that outing, till it could be replaced or found or whatever.

I'm with Dremel on this one to a certain degree. And its one reason why the Hog Rifle appealed to me. No mag...heck, no floorplate either. On most any sporter, that hunts, I can get by with a simple 5 rd arrangement. And a big box is right where I want to grasp the rifle in simple one handed trail carry.

That said, if I really expected some high volume shooting, "Scrambler" jungle alley type competition, prairie dogs , rural HD, I would have a preference for higher capacity. The darn MVP keeps calling but I am resisting.