Ruger & gun shows

Gunner's mate

New member
Does anyone know what is up with Ruger? I saw a newspaper clipping that said that Ruger would not support dealers who set up at gun shows. If this is fact, we need to be adding Ruger to the S&W boycott.

By the way, since S&W is now an American owned company, why are we still talking boycott? :(


New member
We're still talking boycott because they're haven't made an effort to get out of the deals they made. We're not boycotting them because their foreign owned, otherwise HK, Sig, CZ etc would be boycotted.

Check out for starters, or do a search on 'boycott' on this site.

I'm already boycotting ruger due to bill ruger's sellout on high cap magazines & his willingness to sacrifice other gun manufacturers to the government to preserve his own butt.

Will Beararms

New member
Let's boycott every American gun maker that way we can have more on unemployment and lose our rights even faster when no one in America makes guns. We'll show Ruger and S&W won't we!


New member
So if S&W goes out of business, everyone who works there is condemed to a life of unemployment? I hardly think so.

If S&W goes out of business, followed by ruger, and there is still a market for domestic handguns, do you not think someone who wants to make money will step in and fill that void? Are we worse off just because company X goes under and is replaced by company Y?

S&W agreed to bind all of their dealers to many restrictions, including the following:
Safety training for purchasers: transfer firearms only to individuals who have passed certified safety course or exam and demonstrate to purchasers how to use all safety devices and how to load, unload, and safely store the firearm before completing the sale.
Gun shows: make no gun show sales unless all sales at the gun show are completed only after a background check.

Weapons attractive to criminals: not sell large capacity magazines or semiautomatic assault weapons

Multiple handgun sales: all purchasers of multiple handguns to take only one handgun from the store on the day of sale, at which point a multiple sales report will be filed with ATF. The remainder of the guns can only be collected after 14 days.

Legislation. The parties will work together to support legislative efforts to reduce firearm misuse and the development of authorized user technology.

If congress proposed any of these measures as law, I'm sure everyone here would be up in arms. Unfortunately, when S&W signed a pure CYA agreement that would make all those things happen without one single vote being taken in congress, too many people take the attitude that we can't dare hurt poor S&W.

I won't give money to politicians who try to take away my rights. Why should I give it to a gun maker who helps them? The right to keep and bear arms is more imporant than the existance of any specific gun maker. S&W still must die.


That could put an end to gun shows as we know it! Rugers (especially SA Rugers) are probably the most affordable piece of quality that I see at any given gun show.


New member
I am also already boycotting Ruger and I actively encourage the shooters that I know to do so as well. Ruger disgusts me. I'd rather make my own weapons than buy from them.


New member
I too have been boycotting Ruger since the late 80's and for the same reason. An organized boycott of Ruger is pointless for a number of reasons as it would not be effective. S&W is a much easier target and is VERY susceptable to a consumer boycott. In fact S&W was sold for far less than its' value due to the boycott and it took less than 18 months. If the current owners do not take some action they will continue to have to make cost cutting measures if they hope to stay in business for more than a couple of years.

Dakota Law Dog

New member
S&W's deal went above and beyond anything anyone else has done, IMHO.

But for the most part, boycotting American dealers for what wrong they've done in whosever mind, and then buying Russian Makarovs, or Chinese SKSs, or what ever is hypocritical. Somewhere, out there, anywhere, every company has done something to gun owners, so what is left to buy?


New member
One of the "few" freedoms we have left is the
protest and protest by pocketbook does work,
we as a consumer have power we do not use.
I have no problem not buying Ruger I find
their quality is not what is once was, but
I am old and remember and have some of their
first guns.
I can't boycott Ruger.

She would be SO upset.

Oh, you're talking about Bill Ruger and his gun company.

I thought you were talking about my Border Collie.

Her I won't boycott.

Ruger firearms? I've been boycotting them passively for years. They never excited me in the very least.


New member
Don't know if that is correct, but Bill Ruger is a quisling of the highest order and another stab to our backsides would not surprise me. I've been angry at those turncoats at Ruger since Bill's betrayal. Assuming this is correct, just one more reason to buy more Les Baer!


New member
Uhhhhhh............ personal boycotts aside, don't you think we ought to check the veracity of the "gun show" report before we (further) skewer them?

Just a thought.......

Jamie Young

New member
Everyone keeps blaming Bill Ruger for everything he has done but I could have sworn I saw he resigned a few months ago. I think I read it in American Rifleman??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

His son is the Boss now. Is there hope????????????


New member
Ruger Not Supporting Gun Show Dealers

Ruger Not Supporting Gun Show Dealers?
As far back as 1986, when we had an FFL, Ruger's policy was not to support the proliferation/selling of their guns on the Gun Show Circuit. I'll bet you didn't know there were GUN SHOW CIRCUITS?