ruger gp or sp??

old fart

New member
i have a small problem deciding so i hope yall can help me out, i have a chance to buy a new gun but only one and would like to know which yall think is best for the uses i'll need it for? i have a choice of a 4inch gp100, or a 3inch sp101, it will be open carried around my home area,(i live in a rural area and open carrying is not a problem) out walking, and hiking in the woods. it will serve also as a home defense gun. now i know some will say get one and later get the other, but unless things get better with money this will be my only handgun for at least a year. so i need the best choice for what i'm using it for, i've checked both out and love both but can only get one. they are the same price and new, so for what i'm using it for which gun will be my best choice? thanks for any help.


New member
You'd be well served by either, but I think the GP100 will be the better tool for the purposes you described. It gives you an extra round, and will more comfortably shoot stout loads often associated with woods carry.

john in jax

New member
While the smaller, lighter SP101 is easier to carry around I find the bigger GP100 much more comfortable to shoot.

I was able to get my hands on a 3" GP100 and promptly traded away both my SP and my 4" GP. I often regret parting with that 4" GP100, but not the SP it just didn't fit my hand well.


New member
To me it comes down to what you want it for. The GP will be easier to shoot accuratly the SP carries better. If you are wanting it for SD against 4 legged and 2 legged critters the SP would be a fine choice. If you are also wanting it for hunting or shooting where ranges may extend beyond 20 yards the GP is the better choice.



New member

I have an SP101 with 2-1/4" barrel.It's fairly accurate and it handles magnum loads pretty well ( it's considerably heavier than you average 5 shot snub). It's thinner and lighter than the GP. IMHO if yo want something for carry the SP101 is a better choice. Certainly the GP is a better range gun.


New member

Considering your stated carry situations, then it's an easy decision. The GP is the best when open carry is OK and for possible animal encounters in the woods. Great as a house gun.

BTW, shooting the SP with full .357 is not fun.:D

I own a GP100 and Speed Six .357. My oldest Son has the SP101. I almost answered your question with an answerer you did not ask for. If it just happens (probably not) that you find a Security/Speed Six for the right price then that's a great choice. Smaller than a GP and larger than a SP.


New member
For open carry, 6 rounds, and a more comfortable .357 experience, I would go with the GP100. The SP101 has a little more kick and a longer trigger pull.

+1 on the Security/Speed Six. Mine has a better trigger than the GP or the SP.


New member
I have the three inch SP101 and love it. I don't mind full-power mag loads at all, and I have found some that shoot pretty accurately at 25yds.
For open carry, the GP might be better. The adjustable sights would be the main attraction over the SP for me.
My SP101 at 25 yards with the load that I found which shoots well (American Eagle 158gn JSP:


New member
I have both the revolvers you are considering. I'd recommend the 4" GP100 over the 3" SP101 for a few reasons.

1. The GP100 shoots to point of aim just a bit better than my SP101, with more loads. Both are good at 7-10 yards, but the GP100 is great for me easily out to 25 yards.

2. The trigger on my GP100 was much nicer than my SP101, and my impression is that this is typical.

3. The front sight on my GP100 was easily switched out for a fiber optic cheaply.

4. The grips on the GP100 are very comfortable. I absolutely had to replace the grips on my SP101 because it is impossible to avoid flinching if every pull of the trigger hurts you (the trigger guard smashed into my knuckle with every shot). I'd just budget for another set of grips up front if I were considering the SP101 (although I'm happy with the Hogues I put on mine).

I don't have a 3" GP100 that was suggested in the post above, but I suspect that might be a wonderful compromise.


New member
I too have em both (but different barrel lengths & setup) and they are great revolvers for each of their intended uses. If I could only have one for the purposes that you stated, I'd go with the 4" GP100 for reasons stated above.


New member
I would go for the GP100 4 " or 3 ". The 4 " would be a little more accurate especially at 25 yds or so. The 3 " with fixed sights would be the better carry revolver. The advantage to both of them is shooting 357s. They will shoot 357 easier and won't hurt your hands. The sp101 is a fine revolver but I don't like small frame revolvers for shooting 357s.

Good luck with your search,


New member
While I love my SP, for general use like you describe, the 4" GP makes more sense. Target sights, 6 rounds vs 5, heavier frame and bigger grips for more comfortable shooting. You can open carry, so concealment is not a problem, go with the GP.


New member
I have to agree with most others here and say that for the purposes you describe the GP100 would be the better choice. You get an extra round of capacity, longer sight radius (due to the longer barrel), adjustable sights, higher velocities (again due to the longer barrel), and less recoil (due to the extra weight).

Satanic Toaster

New member
GP or 'Six'

I would go for the GP... more heft to it to handle better with .357 and an extra round over the SP.

However, I would try to find a Security Six. My 4" blued is darn near the perfect revolver. For handling and capabilities, the 'Six' series are some of the best revolvers ever made. I still want to get one in 6" stainless.
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Mose Jefferson

New member

I went through the exact same dilemma, settled on the GP-100, and it is now my absolute favorite gun I own. I won't hike in the Cascades without it.
The one drawback is in-town carry. Even with my IWB Simply Rugged Pancake holster, I can't carry it in town in warm weather - I am scrawny and the grip protrudes too much.
So I saved up for a year, bought a S&W 442, and am saving again for an SP-101:D The SP-101, by the way, isn't as bad with full power .357's as you might think, although it's not nearly as comfy as the GP-100.


Generally speaking the GP will have a slightly better trigger than the SP and will be easier to shoot accurately because of that and the longer sight radius.
The SP101 actually handles .357 loads surprisingly well for a small-frame gun. That said, it's not something I'd want to do all day.

The GP100 is an easier gun to shoot well, and it'll stand up to some pretty harsh loadings. You don't have to conceal it, so I'd say go with the heavier, more manageable one.

Above all else, invest in a good gun belt. It makes all the difference. A stiff, thick belt will distribute the weight around the waist and will be much more comfortable. I carry guns of similar size and weight all day, and with the right belt, it's no problem.

With the wrong belt, even an airweight is a hassle to carry.