Ruger EC9s announced


New member
I think $250 is a middle of the road price that most people will be seeing at local stores. I wouldn't doubt it if we see these selling for $200 online during sales.

Yeah, Ruger just hit the ball out of the park with this one.


New member
I think this will sell. To me the thing is this: the S&W Shield and Glock 43 well outsell the LC9s around me locally. And the LC9s isn't dramatically more money than either of those pistols as it typically sells well below MSRP. Maybe this will make it more appealing to some buyers and shift them that way. Fair enough. But really we're talking about price differences that aren't that much. And in the life of a pistol assuming the person shoots with any regularity that difference will disappear compared to ammo costs. However, I get that many that will buy this won't shoot it a ton (that is not meant as a slight against those that buy one). Just for me personally I start looking at prices and wondering if another $50 cheaper really means a lot and I also wonder if a pistol can be priced too low to the point where people question its quality. In the end though affordable pistols are not a bad thing to be sure.


New member
Between what this pistol and the LC9s, Shield, and G43 sell for, you're right, but I think what this EC9s is competing with aren't those pistols (even though compared to those, I think the performance will be on par) the pistols the EC9s is competing with are Hi Points, SCCY's, and Taurus 709.

With the name Ruger on the side of the gun, the buyer is getting a name brand known for good quality and customer service. With price, you're paying a little more for a gun that's smaller than a Hi Point and has a better trigger than a SCCY that's an American company, unlike Taurus.

So, you can't look at this as the $50 cheaper option compared to other guns, but $50 more than cheaper guns.


New member
I agree with TunnelRat. The LC9s for a few dollars more seems like a better value to me. I shoot my handguns regularly and the LC9s is a proven pistol. The EC9s is probably a fine little pistol, but for my money I'll pass for now. It is cheap enough to try later if it is just too good to pass up.


New member
I'd be interested if it didn't have the safety.

But more so in an SR9/SR9c without safeties.

Still these should do well for those looking for a basic budget carry gun.


New member
This is Ruger’s cheaper version of a cheap gun, things must not be going well. Maybe they should try lowering the price on the $900. Revolvers.

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New member
I haven’t bought a revolver since 2011 but gallery of guns online price on a new SRH44 mag ranges from $907.-840. For my zip.

A gun I paid $465. NIB back in 03

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New member
You're talking about the most expensive revolvers they make. They make a number of other models well below that. If that's the only one you're interested in fair enough, but that wasn't clear in your original post. Also, if you found one for that as new from a dealer for that price you should have bought multiple. I feel pretty confident in saying that Ruger's prices haven't doubled across their entire product line in the past 6 years.

That's also a bit of a red herring. Looks like the EC9s can be found currently for $220 shipped online. That's pretty cheap to me. The only thing I can think of that is widely available and cheaper than that is a Hi Point.
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