Ruger Blackhawk convertible


New member
What do you guy/gals think of the Ruger Blackhawk convertible? I think I would like the 45LC/45ACP version.


New member
I have the "convertible" and.............

think that it is a fine and versatile gun. Accuracy is reasonable in either 45 ACP or 45LC. I reload and have a lot of fun making loads for the convertible. I have a lot of fun with it on the range and as a carry gun in the woods. Good shooting:)

super cub

New member
.45 ACP/.45 Colt Convertible

I purchased mine in 98. It is absolutely a fine piece, and extremely accurate. The additional .45 ACP cylinder is worth the small extra price as it adds multiples in versatility. The .45 Colt cylinder is kept in place during deer season, usually stoked with Corbons, and the 5.5 bbl is legal in my state. I wish I had a twin of this revolver in stainless steel.
My buddy is a long-time die-hard rifle fan, but after using my convertible, he has decided that this is a handgun he wants. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a big-bore.


New member
I bought a used .45LC/,45 ACP Blackhawk in 1976. It was my second handgun purchase. It's one of my most accurate and easy to shoot. I'd recommend one to anyone who shoots .45's.
I bought mine new 3 years ago for @ $300. It is one of my cheapest handguns, but also one of my favorites. You can use any cheap surplus .45 acp crap that you want in the .45 acp cylinder, and it will go bang every time. The .45 Colt cylinder will handle loads that would liquify an N frame Smith. The .45 Colt in a stout revolver is a wonderful round. I no longer waste my time with .44 mags, because the .45 Colt can do every thing that the .44 mag can do and more.

7th Fleet

New member
I have owned one for many years and it's a great all around handgun that will quickly be one of your favorites. They don't cost a lot and they are a great value. You can shoot much hotter loads in a .45 Colt Blackhawk, than you can in a similarly chambered Smith & Wesson revolver, if you're a reloader.



New member
I've had mine for about 3 years. Probably one of the best handgun values available.

Could leave mine alone. Swapped out the grip frame, trigger, and hammer for the Bisley versions. Much more user friendly now:


Good Luck...



New member

welp the blackhawk is on the top of my next gun to buy list. I am a reloader so I will have fun with it:D

Jim March

New member
There have been small numbers of Vaquero factory double-caliber guns produced too. They're not catalog items, most seem to have been made for Davidson's (a distributor).


New member
MP, I just bought a stainless 4 5/8" bbl. Vaquero in 45 LC/ACP. I`ll give you a range report after I get it, if you`d like.