Ruger Alaskan vs. Taurus Tracker in .44mag


New member
Which one of these would you all think is a better shooter? Would the Alaskan recoil be the same, worse, or better than the Tracker? Would the 2" barrel difference greatly reduce the power of the .44mag for a woods revolver?

Lots of questions, really hoping you 44mag guys have some opinions. Thanks!



I wouldn't shoot anything but fairly mild .44 mag loads in a frame as small as the tracker. But I would shoot full house stuff in a SRH frame. The more appropriate comparison would be the Taurus large frame vs. alaskan, or raging bull (large frame with 2 lockups) vs. alaskan. So kinda apples & oranges.


New member
Yes, a 2 inch barrel will cost you power in a magnum load. 4 inches is really the shortest you should go if you really want 44 mag power and even then, 6-8 inches is the ideal. The tracker has a small frame and with a 4 inch barrel is nice and light. The Alaskan is quite a bit stronger however.


New member
Well, got out and shot both this weekend (via some friends). The Alaskan is way better on recoil. Maybe because of grip, but it actually might be a little heavier too.



New member
Get the Ruger - Taurus quality can be spotty.

I actually like those Alaskans. U can practice w/ cheaper 44 special rounds...