Ruger 96?


New member
How come I never see any threads on the Ruger 96?

I am just curious. I realize that "Anything it does the 10-22 does better", but I thought it was odd.

I've got a 96 and I absolutely love it. 10-22 mags are a little wobbly but they work. I guess what has sorta sold me on it was going through 2,000 rounds that wouldn't function in several 10-22s :rolleyes:

It cuts pretty tight groups (1" at 50), which is tighter than my 10-22 (1.5" at 50).

I'm NOT bashing the 10-22. I've got one and I like it, dad's got 2, and basically EVERYONE I know has a 10-22. Dad's is also more accurate than my 96.

I just like it. Shares the looks of the Winchester 88 and Savage 99 and just a nice light little gun :D


New member
I realize that "Anything it does the 10-22 does better", but I thought it was odd.
You have it backwards. Everything the 10/22 does the 96/22 does better.:D

I LOVE mine. Good factory trigger. As accurate as a 10/22 and FAR more reliable. 25 round mags work as good as the factory 10 rounders and when it does jam it is far easier to clear, typically it is just a failure to eject.

I love doing the "mad minute" with mine. My hand gets tired working that lever.


New member
Well they're nice guns. First year I had mine, I shot over 6,000 rounds (OVER, 6,000 is the base I can garuntee). Including 800 rounds in one day.

Not being used to the lever, I had to switch to a TC single shot because the backs of my fingers were sore :D

I'm surprised they discontinued it. I know that the 10-22 sold more, but I can't believe the .22 model sold less than .22 Mag or .44.