Ruger 94DC opinions


New member
I just picked up a Ruger P94DC because I needed a .40 for work. I was wondering what everyone thinks about these pistols. Other than the fact it is heavy, it seems like a really nicely built gun. On my test firing(50 rounds) it shot dead on without any problems. I plan to run more rounds through it on thursday so I can really test it. Anyone that has had one I would appreciate your opinion on it.


New member
I've had one for over a year now, it's the newer design with the camblock linkage (instead of the older swinging link).

It's been a great gun...eats all types of ammo, accurate, and very reliable. Plus it's very durable too...lots of chamber support plus the added bonus of thicker chamber walls than other .40 really no worry about it blowing up on you! :cool: