ruger 77


New member
i have a tang safety ruger 77 and there is a hole through right side of the reciever between the locking recess and the extractor port.

am i correct in assuming this is for gas redirection in case of malfunction?

thanks, just curious


New member
/*I have a tang safety Ruger*/

I am partial to tang safeties, I think Ruger screwed up when they went to a Winchester Model 70 type safety.

Any Ruger M77 with a tang safety automatically gets a second look from me when I browse the gun shops or gun shows.


New member
cntryboy1289, thanks

artsmom, it took me four hours of serious digging at the gunshow to find this one
it's a .308, heavy barrel, not the best for lugging around the hills, but i'm still young :)