Ruger 77/22, 10/22 single shot adapter. Help wanted.

Chuck Dye

New member
I have posted here and elsewhere about my desire for a single shot adapter for my 77/22, 'til now without success. Facing a lot of enforced idle time, I decided it's time I made my own. Not caring to reinvent the wheel, so to speak, I did yet another web search and found The Perdue Training Rifle. Apparently, a working single shot adapter is on the shelf at Ruger, it just needs a production run and some marketing. You can help that process by using the "Tell the CEO" option at

That Perdue training rifle looks great. Although I'll not buy one, I see a couple of things I may do to my 77/22. If you want such a rifle, hammer that link.


New member
Can be done !!

I also made my own for use with one of my 77/22's but have not given the 10/22 any consideration, nor at this time do I think I want to. Thanks for your post... :)

Be Safe !!!

Chuck Dye

New member
I have shot an M1 with a single shot adapter, the owner was a generously allowing kids a few shots each. In addition to the added safety, I overheard him explain to one of the fathers that when he loads 8 round clips, everyone wants to go for the PING, and the single shot adapter saves him a lot of money. :)

If that replacement for the feed lips, shown in the Perdue paper, leaves room for it, I might want to engineer a bolt stop into the magazine for the 10/22. A pivoted bolt stop would allow a push button release on the bottom of the magazine. Loading through that side port on the 10/22, as opposed to top loading that gaping maw on the M1, would still be slow.