ruger .357 gp-100 vs. security six


New member
i am in the market to buy a ruger .357 gp-100 but i also have a oppertunity to buy a ruger .357 bicentenial security six with custom wood grips, i know that the gp-100 was built around the .357 mag. and can handle the hottest loads, but i would like to know if the same is true for the security six?, would like hear some feedback and info thanks.

P.S. the custom grips on the security six are the same as the ones on Dave Lauck custom S&W 4" model 29 .44 mag made for UFC champ Randy Couture feature in the sept./oct. issue of American Handgunner.
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New member
Considering the Security Six. I am a satisfied customer and will tell you it is a well machined instrument. So well machined that Bill Ruger claimed he did not make a penny on them. They will, without a doubt, handle the hottest loads. Believe me I know :cool:.

The GP is also a fine weapon, but I have never owned one. I have shot my brother-in-laws several times. They are a bigger frame, therefore heavier and bulkier than the Sixes. I personally like the frame size of the Sixes... I do a lot of hiking and the smaller/lighter Sixes are easier to pack.

My 4" Security Six weighs about 34 oz and a 4" GP weighs about 40 oz. If you are doing a lot of heavy shooting, the extra weight of the GP may come in handy. If you do more packing the Security Six may be a better choice. Either way you will not go wrong, they are both fine weapons.


Strafer Gott

New member
I shot both Ruger models side by side. Security six hands down. GP 100 is a clunker, totally different philosophy handgun,materials driven. It feels heavier than it is. Security Six is elegant compared to a GP.


New member
I sure do like my Security Six. As stated, it will handle anything you can throw at it. And it's just about the same size as a S&W K-frame.


New member
Depends on what you're going to do with it. If its going to be a range toy, I'd go with the the GP100.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the GP comes with a better trigger out of the box. The GP also has more aftermarket and OEM grip options.


New member
I have been collecting Ruger Security-Sixes for a long time. Bill Ruger had designed the Security-Six from day one to enable shooting .357 magnum rounds continuously and to be considerably stronger than Smith & Wesson's .357 magnum K-frames. Their superior strength has been proven in the over 1.5 million Ruger Six-Series revolvers having been manufactured since their introduction in 1971! In my early research of these revolvers, I learned that Bill Ruger's Security-Six Engineering team was against Ruger dropping their Security-Six because it had no weakness in terms of having the necessary strength to continuously fire .357 magnum rounds. Thus, they also felt that introducing their newly designed GP100 was unnecessary in terms of it's slightly increased strength-unlike Smith & Wesson's need to create their larger/stronger L-frame Model 686 revolver to offer the much needed strength over their .357 Magnum K-frame revolvers-which were just beefed up from their .38 Special K-frame design. However, they were in agreement with offering their GP100 in the market to compete directly with Smith & Wesson's M686 but not to drop their Security-Six since S&W didn't drop their M19 and other .357 magnum K-frames!:eek:
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New member
I'd agree. I have both in different barrel lengths and you cant go wrong with either. The Sixes are a little smaller and lighter but are still very stout.
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New member
While the GP100 is theoretically stronger than the Security Six, 99.9% of people will never notice the difference as the Security Six is more than strong enough for a steady diet of normal .357 Magnum ammunition.


New member
I have found more grip choices available for the (151 and up)Security-Sixes than for the GP100. But, for the lowback Security-Sixes grip choices are pretty slim.


New member



Police Six 4 inch barrel SS 357 mag ..action job

Speed Six 2 3/4 inch barrel SS 357 Mag ..action job

Security Six 4in Barrel Blued and worn 357 mag... stock as a clock & and Plum pretty :D

I like the "Six " series

For large frame I lean toward Dan Wessons



Model 14 2.5 inch barrel 357 mag

Model 15 4inch Barrel 357 mag...


New member
Both Security & Speed Sixs, and, GP100s are all good. SS handle better and are more popular on the used market; it's one of the Sixs for me.

Lost Sheep

New member
Liberty model? No choice

I own both Security Sixes and GP100s (and a couple SP101s, too)

I would jump on that Security Six with both feet (unless the price was sky high). The GPs are still made. The Six is not.

The Six carries so nicely on the hip where the GP is noticeably heavier and bulkier.

Lost Sheep


New member
Skidder is right that you won't be for me..........well, the "Sixes" are like Frito-Lay potato chips..........because I can't get enough of em!:





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New member
got the bicenteniai ruger security six is a beauty, she has a little holster wear, might get her re-blued, would post pics but when i tried it faild to upload, i used a bore light to examine the inside of the cylinders and they looked new, the bore was nice and shiney too, not bad for a almost 40 year old wheel gun.

P.S. a newbie question, where is serial# on the security six?, i assume it is under the grip, because i couldn't spot it anywhere else, thanks agian for all of the info and feedback.
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