Ruger 22/45 sight Question


New member
I have Ruger 22/45 with adjustable sights. There are 3 screws on the rear sight . One moves the sight side-to-side and another moves the sight up and down. The third screw is next to the screw that adjusts elevation, but I have no idea what it is supposed to adjust. Does anyone know what it is supposed to do?



New member
Don't touch it!!! It's holding the whole gun together!!


It's holding the sight in place... kind of anchoring it in the groove.... at least that what I THINK it is.

Cavè Canem

New member
I just bought one of these nifty little pistols the other day. Ill have too look at my manual when I get home or ask the armorer.


New member
Now i'm not too sure... I turned it clockwise and my smoke detector went off... turned it back counter-clockwise and my TV shut off... turned it a little more and I woke up 9 hours later... I'm with Mal H.. don't mess with it!



New member

Too late! The entire sight sits waaaayyy to the right and I cant move it. So in a fit of curiosity I removed it to see what it would do. And the screw broke.:eek: I still cant push the sight left. Oh well, time to get the gunstore to fix it.
