Ruger 22/45 Mag Button Issues


New member
I had the Ruger out at the range these last 2 sessions and I've been having some problems with the mags not locking into place when inserted. I sorta have to press on them pretty hard back and forth to get them to seat and reset the mag release button. I am having more trouble with a certain mag than with the other, but the problem is still there. I had several no feeds because the mag slipped down and the bullet jammed on the bottom of the ramp. If course, this disfigured the lead nose. Any thoughts on what the problem could be?

I also would like to take apart the magazines and clean them out. There pretty gritty and after 5 or 6 years of use with no lovin' (good job, my husband), they're a little sticky inside. How do I take them apart? Without losing an eye from the spring??? :eek:

AZ Jeff

New member
Here is how to take the magazine apart on a Ruger .22/45:

Tools needed: small punch that will fit in the hole in the baseplate of the magazine (a "Q-tip" with the fuzzy part cut off works PERFECTLY)

1. unload any cartridges in the magazine
2. using the Q-tip or punch, push in on the stainless steel plunger that is visible in the hole in the bottom of the mag baseplate. This plunger must be depressed about 1/4 inch for best results.
3. while holding the plunger depressed, begin to slide the baseplate forward (off the front of the magazine). Move the baseplate forward about 1/4 inch, and then remove the Q-tip or punch from the hole in the baseplate. CAUTION: the plunger is under spring force, so keep the baseplate from coming totally free until you have your hand over the plunger.
4. continue to slide the baseplate off, controlling the plunger from flying free as it clears the baseplate.
5. pull the plunger and the attached magazine spring down until the "loading button" on the side of the magazine follower aligns with the round opening in the bottom of the slot in the side of the magazine.
6. remove the loading button from the follower
7. draw the follower and spring free from the body of the magazine.
8. clean the magazine parts in your favorite cleaner/solvent, and dry them
9. reassemble in reverse order.


New member
I have found if I have try to put a magazine into my 22/45 with the bolt closed I really have to push on the magazine to get it to lock in place. if the bolt is locked open there isn't a problem. I also might have a light spring under the button as if I bump the button while shooting it will allow the magazine to release to where it won't pick up the next round. I'm not really sure if it is all related or not. I have put close to 6,000 rounds through mine and I haven't cleaned the magazines so it wouldn't hurt to do that. I have cleaned the magazines on another Ruger pistol and they still seem sluggish in cold weather so I don't know.


New member
Steveno, I know most of my mag inserts were with the slide open, since I just finished the last clip and left it open to go down range, load magazines or whatnot. I'll check to see if there's a significant difference with the slide open or closed. But about that cold, could be a factor..I know i'm sluggish...its stinkin cold up here! :D


New member
Any secrets to getting the base back on?? :eek: I'm wrestlng with the spring.

Edit: ok monkeys! Crazy what a Leatherman Wave can do :cool:


New member
maybe that is why I don't take magazines apart very often. I just went and took one apart and proceeded to launch the spring and plunger across the room. to put it back together you will just have to feed the spring in a little at a time until you slide the base plate back on and the plunger locks it in place


New member
I went ahead and fed as much spring into the mag housing as I could, then I slipped in long thin flat head off the end of the Leatherman into the center thumbslide groove of the housing, then pushed the rest of the spring as far down as possible. By then the little rod at the end was barely popping its head up so that I had plenty of room to slide the base plate on. Once that was in place, I pulled out the leatherman and viola! A clean magazine. Of course, I'm doing everything one-handed, so I gotta get creative when doing these tough tiny two handed operations :D