Ruger 10/22 PISTOL conversion Kit?????


New member
I saw a Sportsman's Guide catalog with an ad for a conversion kit to convert a Ruger 10/22 RIFLE to a new "Charger" Ruger 10/22 PISTOL.
The ad listed a new barrel and stock to replace the rifle barrel and stock, and stated that the kit was made in America.

Last I heard, converting a rifle to a pistol was a Federal CRIME.

Was this a Sportsman's Guide mistake/misprint, or has the law changed??


you just have to re-register it as a pistol
just as you can remove the stock from an ar, throw on a short barrel, and register it as an ar pistol.

or you can just get the charger and not take any risk, that's what i did.

it's a VERY nice lil gun for squirrel hunting


New member
I thought once it had been transfered as a rifle that it could not be reclassified. If that's correct then a conversion without a tax stamp would be a no-no.


New member
Probably an ATF sting operation. Like the quasi-legal AR15 drop in auto sears (Perfectly legal to own... provided you do not own and have no access to an AR15) occasionally advertised in Shotgun News.

Edit: In most states, there's no "registration" for non-NFA firearms. If the weapon is listed as a rifle in the dealer's records when you buy it, and you want to put a <16" barrel on it, it must be registered as a short barreled rifle in accordance with the National Firearms Act before doing so. Period.

If it's purchased as a pistol, however, you can change it to a rifle and back with no additional paperwork whatsoever. Just more nonsensical legal bull**** created by ignorant hoplophobes :rolleyes:


New member
Point is, Sportsman's Guide had this listed with NO warning about violations of the law.

A relative found this and was wondering about using it to convert an older 10/22 rifle.
I told him that as far as I knew, it was still wildly illegal to do this.

So, question is why the Guide didn't mention this, and how many people are unknowingly felons?
I looked on their web site, and couldn't find the kit listed.


i dont see how you're expecting a warning....

you couldnt have simple advertisements. every ad would need an attached booklet with the laws, restrictions, waivers, etc etc.

it can be done legally, its up to the buyer to do make sure he/she isnt breaking any laws before assembly


New member
Another source tells me that SG quickly withdrew the ad and replaced it with one stating that Federal and local laws about converting rifles to pistols had to be obeyed.


Here's my Email to Sportsman's Guide:
Received: 9/7/08 6:36:13 PM CDT
Subject: 10/22 Charger kit

Regarding your 10/22 Charger kit, the installation of this barrel and
stock "on your existing 10/22 receiver" constitutes the manufacture of
an unregistered SBR (Short Barreled Rifle) in violation of the National
Firearms Act of 1934. By offering this kit you place any buyers in
possession of a 10/22 carbine receiver in jeopardy of federal
prosecution for NFA violation.

Here's their reply to me:

Dear Lee,

Thank you for your email.
There is a form that you can obtain to legally put the parts together. We sell the charger kit there are no parts in this kit that are illegal. We will send this information on to the appropriate person(s) for further evaluation of the item.

If you have any questions please contact us.

I had sent this reply to their response to my original note:
"Received: 9/9/08 1:32:18 PM CDT
To: Sportsmans Guide Customer Service <>
Subject: Re: 10/22 Charger kit

Yeah, there's a form you can obtain, it requires the signature of a Chief Law Enforcement Officer, fingerprints,payment of $200 transfer tax to ATF, putting a new serial number on " your existing receiver" and waiting 6-8weeks for approval from ATF if not prohibited by state law ( California comes to mind).

No, none of the parts are illegal, but assembled on any 10/22 receiver not originally sold as a pistol, they make an unregistered SBR.

I notice on the page for your HK91 grip/trigger group, you do have the disclaimer all NFA rules apply".

On this Charger kit, you ENCOURAGE buyers to violate the NFA.

Shame on you."

To which they have now replied:
"Dear Lee,

Thank you for your email.
Because of this issue with the charger kit we have pulled this item from our catalog from being sold. We thank you for the notations on the laws about the conversions.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Thanks for shopping the Guide!
Chris Wilson
Customer Service Products

Visit our Website at "

so they have removed it... it's illegal to just slap it on, but like i said, it can be done legally.

now, you must go elsewhere if you want to buy the kit.

hell though, if resolution 1022 passes.... you wont be able to buy a 10/22 in any configuration


New member
What is resolution 10/22 and what happens to those of us that have 10/22s???!?!?!?!

Mines completly stock by the way but still


New member
nice job to whomever emailed SG, their advertisement was misleading and a potential danger to gun owners everywhere.

ranger dave

New member
mind your own bussiness

anyone who owns firearms should know the laws part of being a gun owner. why would you bother a sportsmens and whine. you can buy class 3 parts all over the place who cares. we have enough gun grabers to worry about. with out some bumb ass wrighting letters


i'd have to agree with the latter statement.

i dont need anyone fighting to take away my options.
i'm a big boy, i can make my own decisions.
the douche bag ruined it for any responsible adults who wanted to do it legally as well as occasional irresponsible gun owner that would have disregarded the law.

and god knows, we should start punishing everyone for the actions of the few ;)

oh wait, that's not right.......

this is illegal as well.
quick, someone save me from this evil ad!
while you're at it, just take away everyones guns... because, you know.... not everyone can be trusted


New member
HR 1022 is a bill that would outlaw almost every semi-automatic rifle, shotgun, and pistol ever made.

Does that mean that the people who have them will have to turn them in? Or does it mean they just wont produce it anymore.


I would like to thank the following poster for continuing the image that all gun owners are in someway ignoring, circumventing or simply outright violating the law.

ranger dave: anyone who owns firearms should know the laws part of being a gun owner. why would you bother a sportsmens and whine. you can buy class 3 parts all over the place who cares. we have enough gun grabers to worry about. with out some bumb ass wrighting letters

BRILLIANT. Of course the parts for this conversion in and of themselves are not illegal. BUT, the application they suggest to use them for is completely illegal without the proper paperwork. For you to chastize someone for pointing that out and having the company do the responsible thing is simply ludicrous.

Thanks for another positive image of the American gun owner.:rolleyes:


New member
I'm had my ffl some time back but i thought they fought that law when people wanted to change their contenders back and forth from rifle to pistol.
as long as the barrels were the right length for the application. oh well one reason i gave up my license was they kept changing the configuration of the sks's .