RRA LAR-15 Pistol, Questions please help.

Any .45

New member
Hello All,

I was wondering if the RRA LAR-15 Pistol was considered a class 3 or if there were any regulations against civilian ownership of these firearms? I know I've looked up the NFA rules and regs and it mentions 12" to 16" barrels, but it also mentions guns made from rifles, etc, also about the overall length shorter that 26" or the barrel shorter than 16" but RRA is calling them a pistol. one's a 7" barrel and 23" overall and the other is a 10" barrel and 26" overall. Can anyone please help, this is quite confusing:confused: ? Thanks in advance

Any .45

Josh Aston

New member
It's classified as a pistol. The receiver was never assembled or registered by RRA as a rifle. It began life as a pistol. Any pistol can be converted to a rifle as long as you maintain a 16" barrel and overall length of 26". It can then be converted back to a pistol at any time. However if the receiver was initially registered as a rifle, that's all it can ever be.


New member
I am not trying to rain on your parade. I was looking into buying an ar pistol and some members here talked me out of it. I checked it out and its solid info. The .223 doesnt achieve its required velocity out of a barrel that short to inflict its tumble affect wound channel. Making an ar pistol not as affective in defensive situations. You may already know this but thought I would throw it out there for you. Have fun.


New member
Yeah, they also wouldn't be good for self defense because they are INCREDIBLY LOUD and the muzzle flash would be simply blinding at night.

That being said, they look like fun pistols anyways.

Have you looked into the KelTec PLR-16? They cost a bit less, and have a superior gas system.


New member
I think the purpose of the AR pistols are to be sortof like a sub.

I could be wrong. But I thought the purpose was really (obviously you can't conceal it) to make do as a semi-auto submachinegun. I'd much rather have that than a mac-10.

To answer the question... no, you don't need to register it as a class III. Doesn't require a stamp. You do, however, have to have the lower reciever registered as a pistol and not a rifle.


New member
As far as AR-15 pistols, what you are hearing here is correct. I personally own the Bushmaster version of one. The lower receiver itself is classified as a pistol and should be marked as such, and that's why it's not classified as a Class III firearm. However, you can be in BIG trouble if you add a forearm grip to it as it then qualifies under ATF rules as an Any Other Weapon (AOW), which would require a stamp.

Also, I wouldn't worry about those that say it's not really a good self-defense weapon. Although I'm sure you didn't buy it as such, I'm pretty confident that a gang of 100 rioters would scatter a LOT quicker after hearing and seeing 20 or 30 rapid fire rounds coming out of one of these things(especially if you remove the flash suppressor) than they would pretty much any other pistol on the market. I also suspect it would have the same, if not worse, affect on one or two burglars in your house. If you're really worried about fragmentation (by the way, fragmentation is associated with 5.56 ammo...not .223), then get yourself some soft points and/or a 100 round mag for it. I doubt anyone's going to really care whether or not those 50 or 60 rapid fire rounds you spit out at them are going to fragment or not. Quite frankly I don't think it's much of an issue except to gel lovers.

Have a great time with yours. Due to their size I'd strongly suggest getting a red dot optic. It makes a HUGE difference in your ability to aim and recover quickly from multiple shots. They are absolutely a blast...and they make all the young girls at the range pee their pants when you first start shooting it!!! The biggest problem is how quickly you can go through 1,000 rounds...


Bushmaster and Olympic have a rubber/foam type sleeve on the buffer tube. Wonder what that could be used for?:D