Round fire kick and barrel length?


New member
Can you please explain the kick/snap difference you feel with identical caliber bullets, with the only variable being barrel length?

I know that weapon weight and weight balance are also important variables.


Member Emeritus
Generally a heavier barrel or heavier gun in general will recoil less with the same cartridge compared to a lighter gun because the heavier one has more mass for the recoil energy to move.
Beyond that, you just have to try it yourself to understand.


If you could TRULY make barrel length the only variable then it's simple.

If you could somehow increase the barrel length without increasing the weight, the kick would increase since the velocity (and therefore momentum and recoil) is higher from the longer barrel.

As it is, increasing barrel length usually increases weight, so it's more complicated. It's impossible to say whether the weight is enough to offset the increased velocity without knowing a LOT more about the situation.
the energy that is imparted to the gun will be the same for a given bullet regardless of the gun its weight and barrell. the weight of the weapon will affect the felt recoil.

there are too many variables to limit your question to barrel length. the powder used, bullet weight, powder amount, gun size, gun weight, type of grips, how you hold it, and the mechanics of how you shoot all effect felt recoil.

a small difference in barrell length will provide only negligible if at all perceptible difference.

your hold on the weapon and mechanics would be the greatest single variable that would have the most perceptible difference.