Rossi question


New member
I'm looking for a concealed carry gun, and was checking out the Sig 232 (a semi-auto .380 that I can get for around $450), but pretty much decided against it; not because it's a .380, but because I ran into this Rossi .357 snubby.
It's stainless, looks beautiful, and feels built like a tank. For concealed carry, it feels a little heavy, but after holding it, I started to think about how the added weight made it feel more solid. I don't know. This isn't so much a sig vs. rossi question, more "what are your experiences with Rossis, don't they have something to do with Taurus, if it looks and feels so good then why is it so cheap ($300)" question.


New member
hey buddy the stainless .357 snubby is my ccw and i tell you i have thrown hundreds of rounds of all kinds threw the has great groups for a snubby and thats why i use it as my ccw. and for me it fits great in my front or back pocket. the only thing i didnt like about it is the trigger pull.. its a ton of bricks but after getting use to it i have not prob with it now.i carry hydros in it when im out and about ..and yes i am told they are owned by taurus and also have the life time warranty as taurus.. i enjoy mine and hope u do to ..


New member
after reading a little more (oh, and sorry about the quadruple thread on the rossis.. didn't realize there were so many out there already), I'm really nervous about buying one. Everyone says get the Ruger SP101, I don't know what to do. I know the Rossi LOOKS better. There's not that much of a price difference, so that's not really the issue. It's just that the Rossi feels like a real solid gun, but the Ruger seems to get more praise around here. What do you guys think?
p.s. I've had luck with both (my dad's) Taurus, and a Ruger of my own in the past, but both were semi-autos, so I'm kind of in a new ball game here.


New member

My Rossi is the piece I depend on everyday at work. I'm on my second one and have had no trouble with either. I only gave up the .357 because I was in a bind at the time and it was a last resort. I now carry the .38 and it has already had about 1000 rounds through it in only a month or so. It has held up as well as the .357 I used to carry. For the price, you can't beat them. Apparently, you had to be leery of the older ones, but that is no longer the case as far as I have seen.


New member
I have the 461 which is the blued .357 snub and while i probably only have a few hundred rounds through mine it has been a great little gun. It is plenty accurate and the finish is impressive for the price. I get the feeling there are some lemons out there in Taurus/Rossi revolvers but I don't think I got one of them. Mine carries nicely IWB and is just as easy to conceal as a G26. Recoil with a .38spl+p is managed nicely by the rubber grips. I did replace the grips once because the metal piece that receives the screw came loose from the rubber-I found some factory replacements cheap on ebay or I would have went with Hogue. It seems a lot of the negative reputation Rossi had came from years gone by when quality was subpar but my gun is one of the newest versions and overall I am very happy with it, especially for what I paid.


After I bought my 461 in April 07. I started reading a lot of negative things about reliability problems.

So I bought a Ruger SP101 3", and kept the Rossi for just target practice until it broke at 300 (38s) rounds, and it was new. That was just 4 weeks ago. If I ever get it back from Rossi/Braztech, it's going away. Lesson learned the hard way.

Good luck!.:D


New member
I've put several hundred rounds through my old 877 Rossi. Mostly .38s, but a box or two of .357s. I've never had a problem with it.

Qwiks draw

There is an answer to that problem. Go to a range,club, or gun store that has these ( rental guns included) and see for yourself. Compare.
Other gun owners who have the brands discussed here will be more than willing to let you look at and handle their guns as long as you respect them and handle these safely.

At there are Taurus owners have Ruger or Rossis and are satisfied with them.
All the testimonials and platitudes here don't mean a thing except there are happy campers of both brands.
Won't buy a gun I haven't been able to examine closely.

Either can serve you well.