Rossi M713 Problem


New member
Just picked up a used Rossi M713 , 6" stainless .357 . When dry fired single action sometimes the trigger will spring forward . In other words you can't hold the trigger back with your trigger finger . It seems the resistance of my finger on the trigger while it's coming forward would keep the hammer from falling with any power. This happens only once in a while and of course it never happened while I was checking it out to buy it. I've never actually fired this gun but it seems like it's fine in double action . The gun looks like new and supposedly has never been modified or messed with .I'm not a much of a revolver guy and I don't really know where to begin with this one . Any help is appreciated.


New member
Is this happening when the hammer is cocked back to the single action position?
Or after the trigger is pulled and the hammer drops to the fired position?


New member
It happens after I cock the hammer to single action , after I pull the trigger in single action and WHILE the hammer is falling to the fired position . It's hard to explain but it's like the hammer springs forward to its double action position while the hammer is falling . In single action mode it's impossible to hold the trigger to the rear " fired" position

James K

Member In Memoriam
The trigger pull is too light. Very likely a previous owner has tampered with the action in an attempt to "lighten" the trigger pull, and got it too light. There is no cheap answer. Either the hammer, the trigger, or both will have to be replaced. In view of the scarcity of Rossi parts, I suggest (with some trepidation) calling Taurus, which now owns Rossi, and see if they will repair the gun or if they can supply parts. (I know about Taurus's sorry record on repair of their own guns, so I don't hold out a lot of hope, but I can think of no realistic alternative.)

This case proves once again the need to check out a used gun thoroughly; too often the words "boy, I broke it now!" are followed by "I'll trade it off and let it become someone else's problem."

P.S. No, the similarity to S&W is only on the surface; parts will not interchange.



New member
Well that's bad news . The one time I've dealt with Taurus it wasn't a good experience so I'm not looking forward to that .
Both the da and sa trigger pulls seem heavy enough to be untouched so if someone did mess with it they did an overall poor job I guess . Looks like I have nothing to lose by taking it apart and taking a look myself , time to study up.