Rosie supports child killer ???


New member
I don't know if it's reality or a nightmare. I heard it on a radio program yesterday night:

Rosie O'Donnel and Katie Kouric are collecting money to defend that mass-killer that uses her hands to kill 5 children one at a time in her bathtub! Childs badly struggling for their lives. Chased her 7year old through the house to kill him.

Am I on an planet where germs eat off brains?

Killer good, law abiding gun owners evil? Figure out.

I love Rosie, she's the perfect role model for insanity in every aspect of life.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Don't know about Rosie. Couric and the Today Show staff claim the Today Show producers made the decision to put up the phone number and suggest people send money to the defense fund, and any of the anchors would have had to read it.

I have read quotes where Rosie said she understood how easy it must have been for the woman to do it, because "once you've been to the edge you understand how easy it is to go over."

Isn't it nice that someone like that can adopt child after child like buying furniture while the nice, married, financially stable couple my mom works with had to go to Peru and Korea to adopt?


New member
When your mission is to seek out "victims," you usually have no trouble finding them. I think in some circles she is viewed as A Woman Driven to the Brink.


New member
This is all part of what some have described as "the feminization of America." Legislating and judiciating by feelings. The Feinsteins and Boxers will defend this killer because she was acting on feelings.

This woman took her children, one by one, into the bathroom and held their heads under water until their lungs filled with water and they could no longer breathe. Those of us who are men cannot understand these "feelings." If it had been a man with a gun doing the killing, the kids would have died instantly. Either way the murderer is not at fault. It's the mother's depression that should be put on trial. If it's a guy with a gun, then arrest and convict the gun.

IIRC, it was Katie Courec who, after the Peducah shootings, said "thank God they didn't use one of those assault weapons." Yeah, thank God the victims were shot with .30-06's instead of .223's or 9mm's. Some of them might have lived, or had less severe injuries.

So, Katie announces a defense fund for the murderer. She's been heralding the prosecution of the tools before, with her support of HCI et al. Which organization will she now villify? The National Bathtub Association?

This is "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" all over again, and we're all Chief Broom.


New member
Well the good news is that Rosie adopts instead of continuing her gene pool or gene swamp in her case.

This poor misunderstood depressed mom needs the death penalty.

Please tell me the "bathtub ban" is a joke, please, please....


Wouldn't surprise me one bit. After all, not one anti-gun law helps save any lives. They only help the criminals kill more people. Therefore, anti-gun folks are second hand murderers.


New member
well i hope the bathtub ban is a joke. But coming from those two idiots it wouldn't surprise me at all if they did want to ban bathtubs.


New member
There's more to the "feminization of America" than legislating and judiciating (or litigating) by feelings. The other aspect is that increasingly men and the "male agenda" are being viewed with suspicion, alarm, and, in some circles, outright revulsion. Guns aren't the ultimate target. The ultimate target is aggression of all kinds and especially the rough and ready assertiveness that normal young males are heir to. This is the dark side of society's steady march toward "higher civilization:" boys and young men are being indicted for being and doing what comes naturally, made to feel guilty for feeling masculine energies. Unfortunately for its detractors, aggression exists for a reason and that reason is survival. There are bigger challenges than deflated soccer balls, and bureaucracies aren't going to get us through those when something grittier is called for.

By the way, there is a classic sci-fi film about this very subject: John Boorman's ZARDOZ. Highly recommended.

Tom B

New member
Can't wait to see the movie about this on "LIFETIME" on cable TV! Not doubt the husband drove her to it thru abuse! ;)

Futo Inu

New member
Don't forget

Bathtubs have no "sporting purpose", and thus there is no reason not to ban them - a shower stall is all anyone needs to get themselves clean.


New member
Yes, folks, the bathtub thing ( a parody. See the paragraph at the end of the column:
Author's note: After writing this parody, I asked my research assistant to do a search of commentaries on Ms. Yates' monstrous act of filicide. I was astonished to find that this is hardly even a parody of the left's reaction to the murders. If you want to be especially sickened, read Anna Quindlen's rant against society and stress in the current Newsweek. Her column is so over the top, at the end she is forced to write as an afterthought: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not making excuses, for Andrea Yates." Sure.

That makes his column a parody. But what about the Anna Quindlen column he refers to? Interest piqued, I searched it out. It's titled Playing God on No Sleep and a more sickening piece of trash has rarely been published in this great nation.

Here's a key snippet:
Every mother I’ve asked about the Yates case has the same reaction. She’s appalled; she’s aghast. And then she gets this look. And the look says that at some forbidden level she understands.

The rest of her column is more of the same, making the banal point that motherhood is a tough job, underappreciated and sometimes lonely. Apparently if people could just understand the stress she was under, what Ms. Yates did isn't that horrific after all.

FWIW, I'm one of the few people in this country who could truly understand what Ms. Yates was feeling. Like her, I had five babies in short order; mine are even closer together than hers were. Talk about stress? We moved five times during the five years I was giving birth to those five babies, three of those times from one state to another. Not one of my babies was born in the same town as any one of the others. During those years, we were so broke we would have had to save up to be poor. After my youngest child was born, I battled a severe case of depression that lasted for more than a year. So yes, I understand how that woman felt in ways that most people in this country could only guess at.

But stress is no excuse for cold-blooded murder.

The truth is, because I understand what Ms. Yates was going through -- because, not in spite of -- because I understand it, I condemn her all the more. Because I am living proof that stress like that does not have to end with a bloodbath.

Rosie, and Couric, and Quindlen -- and all the handwringing left-leaning professional sympathizers -- have forgotten, if they ever knew, that understanding something horrible isn't the same as excusing it.

Five little children are dead, and nothing is going to bring them back to life. Should we pat the murderess on the back and say, "yes, yes, we understand"? Let her off with a warning: "Now don't go killing any more children"? This is the way that civilization dies.

What Ms. Yates did was monstrous. And there's no excuse.


Big Lou

New member
Far Left Liberal Lesson for today.......... if you're going to commit a crime, make sure you do it in such a vile and despicable manner that "you obviously weren't in your right mind"; therefore, you shouldn't be held accountable for your actions.

I'm ashamed for Houston that this happened here, but on the other hand, Texas is very aggressive on seeking (and getting) the death penalty. I hope we can add one more to the list!


New member
Pax, I really think you should do a quick re-write of your post and send it off to the media. It's as hard-hitting a commentary on this issue as I've yet to read.