Rosie sinks to new lows


Staff Alumnus
I used to think.. well whetver her opinion, she's an american she's entitled to it. Well kids NO MORE.

She apparently is blaming her "bout of depression' on The Columbine Shootings. (source Entertainment Tonight)

If you are a Colorado resident, know some one who was THERE as a student, teacher, LEO, whatever I strongly suggest you write her a little note. And tell her she is CHEAPENING the experience of real victims by grandstanding her uninformed, holier than thou anti platform to get sympathy form media fans world wide.

Rosie, if your daddy beat you I'm sorry. Rosie, if your mom didn't love I'm sorry. Rosie, if your first boyfriend dumped you i'm sorry. Rosie, if you were passed up for the lead in "league of thier own" I'm sorry. Rosie if you are trying to garner sympathy from me for something that you have NO connection with I'm not sorry at all.

I don't like the politics of Tom Mauser but he at least has a reason to feel real loss and depression over the Columbine massacre. Rosie, you weren't there. You don't know anyone from here. You have no friends who were victims, responding officers, EMS tech, firefighters or ANY relation to this tradgedy. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to glom onto this tragedy as "your own". You cheapen the reality of the victims, the witnesses and those who responded to this horrible event by claiming 'it sent you over the edge'.

You have truly, irrevocably have sunk to a new low. Your politics are yours, you have a right to your opinion. You DO NOT have a right, or a reason to publicize your "hurt" over something you had NOTHING to do with.

I can understand a collective feeling of .. loss, disgust and despair over this tradgedy. BUT.. vulturing onto this tragedy as YOUR OWN 2 years later is reprehensible. Have you no shame? Have you no decency?

This publicity stunt should be lamented BY ALL THOSE who had anyone connected to the tragedy. You have no right. none. Not now, not ever. Tell the parents of Danny Roibaugh 'how bad it hurt" you to their face. I DARE YOU.


I've said enough.

If you feel the same, drop her publicist a note.


Here is a fan mail link. Be sure to keep your language affronted but non threatening.,_Rosie&Category=Actresses&Show=1


The only thing about Colombine that would hurt Rosie is knowing that they had all those bombs planted in the cafeteria...


New member
My last bout of depression was because I found out Rosie published a magazine and people READ it. I went to the range and I’m feeling much better now.
Well, her ratings slipped, her lucrative "endorsement" contracts got cancelled, and her show cancelled. Is there any wonder the Big one is in depression & just like a spoiled child, she's blaming something other than herself.

I feel so sorry for her :barf: , I'd love to send her a coupon for a gallon of ice cream. If it doesn't cheer her up, it'll fatten her up. :D


New member
Rosie fans should not be allowed to operate vehicles, vote, have credit cards, etc. Mentally and emotionally, they are worse than little children.

What gripes me is that there was a time, not THAT long ago when the voice of the maniac fringe (homosexuals, ultra-bleeding hearts, entertainers, etc.) were not given front page by the press. Today, it is assumed that I give a friggin damn what Ruskie O' Donnell, Alexi Baldwin, etc. think. They do not matter!!!!!!!!!!


New member
In all fairness, as much as I dislike her, that money goes to the company that runs that site.:rolleyes: It's a service to contact stars.


I had the pleasure(?) of meeting Rosie a little over a year ago. She was filming at Disney World at the same time we were on the family vacation, although we weren't aware of it at the time. It was right after the MMM on Mother's Day.

We were walking back to our rooms when my mother-in-law said "Hey, there's Rosie." I looked in the general direction and replied that it wasn't. Sure didn't look like the Rosie on TV. A few minutes later, we heard her say something and I immediately knew my mother-in-law was right.

As Rosie's entourage passed, hubby mentioned the Second Amendment Sisters. and since the MMM had just taken place, I guess Rosie couldn't ignore the remark and the debate was on.

We spent about 30 minutes debating (arguing) about the meaning of the second amendment. We were told it only applied to muskets by one of the women with her. When Rosie tried to compare autos to guns (registration and licensing) we pointed out that autos weren't protected by the BoR. Rosie informed us that they were, as the Constitution guarentees us all the freedom to go from place to place.

She wanted to know if we were also members of the NRA and said that she had received death threats from the NRA. We, of course, asked if she could produce any death threat on an NRA letterhead, but she never responded to that one. She just said that the NRA had threatened her life and that's why she needed bodyguards.

Everytime we would counter one of her arguments with something that was logical, she would ignore the statement and immediately retreat to the "emotional" refrain..."Do you want to see a 3-year-old die because you don't have your guns locked up?" I honestly don't think she had ever met a woman who defended gun least she certainly acted as though she hadn't.

Regarding trigger locks, I asked her if she expected me to call time-out during a rape in order to unlock my weapon and did she think the attacker would just stand by while I did so. Her response was again, do you want to see a 3-year-old get your gun and kill himself. It was useless.

It went on and on. During that time a considerable crowd of about 50 people had gathered (a surprisingly silent crowd). We eventually agreed to disagree and went our separate ways.

The following day we tuned into her show for the only time in our lives. During her opening monologue she mentioned the two "members of the gun lobby" she had met and plugged the MMM folks. I had never really considered myself part of the "gun lobby," at least not a vocal part. But, now my car proudly displays an "I AM THE GUN LOBBY" bumper sticker.

Thanks, Rosie ;)

H&K Fan

New member
Annie - you did good. I would have found it hard to keep my cool. American history obviously isn't her strong suit.
What a waste of O2. Too bad a Mother of one of the Columbine victims doesn't b*tch slap her once or twice. Of course that would again be the NRA threatening her again.
I have a sister-in-law who is that way. you can't argue anything logically with her. It all comes down to the children.


New member
Annie, I am impressed with both you and your husband. It takes some guts to stand up to tyranny in a public place, especially when you are surrounded by sheeple. Nice job!

BTW, in responding to wheher I want to save the children, my response would be "yes, my own, that's why I stay armed when I go in public with my son, and why I keep a loaded gun accessible (in a small Cannon lockbox) in my house". But of course, I know no amount of logic works on the rationally-impaired.


New member

That is just so mind-fryingly distasteful. I don't even know where to begin.

You might think that they don't make flakes this crumbly outside of Hollywood, but they do: it's just that nobody listens to them.


New member
Great stand, Annie!

I'll say it again, why does anyone even listen to her? She just does not matter. Unfortunately, with today's press, the louder (and especially, the liberal) voice can rise to the top.


Thanks, Steel, et al.

My only regret was not having a video camera running. It was our last night there and probably the ONLY time we didn't have at least one vidoe camera in the group! Figures....

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Congratulations, annie---

You got in some licks that most of us would love to have taken. I really admire your restraint and logic, in the face of such a blithering idiot, albeit one with a wide and effective forum.

Nice work, lady!
