Rosie O apologizes and shows change of heart?


New member
I am looking for confirmation on this. I was talking to a fellow gun rights activist yesterday. His wife regularly watches the Rosie Show. He told me that his wife saw her apologize on the show to Tom Seleck(not present) and to the american people for lambasting Tom last year on her show. She was also said to have told viewers that her opinions aren't necessarily what everyone should believe. Reportedly she also hinted that her previous views were purely based on emotions and after rethinking the issue she is of the opinion that people should be able to own firearms and defend themselves when necessary. How true is this?


New member
IT'S TRUE....IT'S TRUE....pigs really can fly....and sing!

Sorry I just can not buy this one. Wish it really was true though.

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."


New member
Her lack of media attention and public support lately might be a better explanation than a true change of heart.


New member
I think that would have made the news SOMEWHERE. I haven't heard about it, so I will remain skeptical.........



New member
I have been using a fresh new set of ROSIE targets at the range. Will I need to exchange them for new Martin Sheen target or for my old Sarah Brady target set........

NAW, can't be true - Must be more of the liberal media crap that consistently flows from the TV.

Oh Well, back to the Range and more Rosie targets. Amazing how BIG the target is even at 300 yards!

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.


There's too much evidence to the contrary. And don't worry about poor Rosie her friends at the Communist Broadcast System will take care of her. People like George Stephanopolis, Donna, Peter, and the rest of the Klinton Klan. The only way I would believe her is if she turns states evidence on the mmm and joins my local gun club. Even that won't remove my exploding Rosie the Pig targets!


New member
Well, Rosie O'Doughnut is due to appear in Bethlehem, PA on 10/2/00 at 1800 for a MMM crusade over the Fahy Bridge. I'll be there to ask her what she thinks of guns.


New member
The only thing that will make me believe Rosie O. is sincere is moving
her to Texas and get a 200 US-$ tax stamp to buy some 'evil' full-auto
gun and make a show about it. And keep it.


New member
I think Rosie is willing to admit she's wrong when she thinks she is. I doubt she thinks she's wrong on this one. She lives in a fantasy world of television and movies - that's all she knows about and where she gets all her information.

I'll believe she's changed her mind when I received an notarized affidavit from the devil that hell has indeed frozen over to a depth of 12 feet.


New member
I didn't see the event. I can believe she would apologize for ambushing Selleck. He was there to talk about a new movie and she ambushed him over gun rights. I would think the Hollywood crowd would think twice about appearing on her show. No celebrities, no ratings, no show, no job. We call this self-correcting behavior.

I do not think she changed her mind about the rest of it. She sold herself as a spokesperson for the anti-2 world in exchange for preferrential gigs. XX the media goons and you revert to a nobody really fast.


I did see her attack on Tom. Every time he tried to open his mouth she talked louder. He handled himself like a gentleman she looked and acted like the disgusting fat pig she is. I don't watch much tv but I make a point to stay away from the big 3 especially CBS. If we could get all gunowners and their familys to do that maybe lower ratings would cave them. On the two headed child comment. I think they need to seperate one of the heads so the other can live!

The Beez

New member
I didn't see the show, but if this fourth-person account has any truth it's likely that Rosie said people should be able to keep their guns, but that she still supports those "reasonable regulations" to supposedly keep guns away from children and criminals.

The apology was likely for her boorish behavior to Seleck, more than for her opinion.

After all, this is the current cant of the Million Morons: "We don't want to take people's guns away, we just want reasonable regulations." It's total bull****, of course, but clearly Rosie's allies have told her to back off of her original "ban all guns and throw their owners in jail" line.

She's still a fat-ass gun-grabber.

--The Beez