Rosie loves Bush?


New member
Matt Drudge is reporting currently that he has a developing story that Rosie is changing her stance regarding our President.

The headline is "I love Bush"...attributed to Rosie.

So many jokes...

:D :D


New member
Check it out:

Talkshow host and ardent Democratic activist Rosie O'Donnell stunned Los Angeles radio listeners Thursday morning by declaring she's changed her opinion of President Bush.


New member
Im sure her change on her stance would be also known as, "jumping on the bandwagon" see right now within her social circles its hip to be patriotic. Just wait until we get down and dirty in Afganistan and some time goes by, Im sure her tone will change. I still dont know why anyone puts any stock in a second rate comedian who got her start on a show with Nell Carter.


New member
I was going to make a smart *ss and obvious remark, but it seems they've all been made.

<slinks back into the corner and begins sucking his thumb>


Well it only goes to say:

You know what they call a victim of a violent crime?

A new Republican!!!

So many of these stars are putting on a good front because it will make their career go better.

What I want to know is why Alec Baldwin is still living in this country? He said before the election if Bush is President he's moving out. Well, good riddens.


New member
In the words of Linda Blair

One assumes Rosie would perform fellatio in Hades to get back to where she was on the popularity track before she took on the NRA and the rest of us.

No offense.


New member
Bush and the rest of the varlet scum in Washington D.C. pass anti-constitutional laws and create the Homeland Security Act and now Rosie is in love with him.


New member
Truth is stranger than fiction! You just can't make stuff like this up.
What next.....the Baldwin brothers throw a Bush funraiser with Streisand as the Emcee......:confused: :eek: :barf:


At first glance, I thought that said "Rosie loves Lunch".


New member
from the white house

Dear Al,

You won, I found some more votes. When do you want to move in?
