Ron Paul won the Straw Poll

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Ron Paul actually won the Iowa Straw Poll by a large margin. They used Diebold machines to count the votes. Election fraud



Here's a little lesson that everyone should pay attention to: generalizing an entire group of people over the actions of a few is wrong.


New member
Hmmm, for some reasons I'm reminded of something Douglas Adams wrote in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish:

This was perfectly true, and a very respectable view widely held by right-thinking people, who are largely recognizable as being right-thinking people by the mere fact that they hold this view. -- Douglas Adams




New member
Even the voting machines are neo-cons that are involved in the vast neo-con conspiracy.

The same people who were complaining with Al Gore about the voting machines in Florida are now complaining about the voting machines in a silly straw poll.

Personally, I think that voting machines are unconstitutional. Just take a look at the Constitution; it doesn't authorize vote casting and/or counting by machines. :D


New member
Don't you sheeple know ANYTHING?????

The Iowa Straw Poll is actually the S.T.R.A.W poll.

S.T.R.A.W. stands for "Sheeple Toadies that Ron Angers and Worries!"

S.T.R.A.W spells moon.......uh, oops, I mean Straw Poll!

And Poll, hey that almost rhymes with Diebold!

I'll bet you that if you looked on the sidewalks near the polling place for the Iowa Straw (S.T.R.A.W.) Poll (Diebold!) you'd see the "Post Horn" scrawled in chalk.

Of course the right-winger neocon globalists don't want you to know the TRUTH about the Iowa S.T.R.A.W. poll....just like they don't want you to know the TRUTH about 9-11.

Just ask some of Ron Paul's biggest supporters about the TRUTH about 9-11!

Wake up!

It's all a conspiracy!

Ron Paul is winning every poll, they just won't TELL YOU ABOUT IT!!!!!!!




New member
Who are the right minded people? The ones that hold certain views. What views? Obviously, the ones that are attributed to right minded people.

Hmmm, for some reasons I'm reminded of something Douglas Adams wrote in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish:

This was perfectly true, and a very respectable view widely held by right-thinking people, who are largely recognizable as being right-thinking people by the mere fact that they hold this view. -- Douglas Adams

saw your post after writing this :)


New member
Ron Paul is not saying this. Some random website and a few of his supporters are saying it. That website does not speak for the campaign and it does not speak for his supporters in general. Ron Paul's followers are completely independent from the actual campaign. He has addressed this issue a number of times.

I have my doubts about this poll but I'm not going to say that it was rigged. I'll just say that it could have been rigged and we probably would never know if it was. If you know anything about these machines, you'll know why people are saying this stuff. These machines are so bad, they have been banned in several states...

Furthermore, while the default certificate files do use passwords to protect their private keys, both files use an obvious password—“diebold”. Given that Diebold has used other obvious default passwords in the past [26], this likely would be among an attacker ’s first few guesses. Even without guessing, an attacker could learn this password by examining the Windows registry of a GEMS server or the application software of an AV-TSX, since the password is stored without encryption in both places.

Here's a video of one of the touch screen machines being hacked on live television:

Here's a video of someone opening a diebold voting machine with a homemade key:

Here's an hour and a half long documentary about this:


New member
Don't mind the haters. They're so unconcerned about this whole "Ron Paul" thing they can't seem to stop talking about it.
Yeah, there's 'conspiracy theory kooks' supporting Ron Paul.



New member
Whether or not the straw poll was rigged or whether or not the voting machines were hacked is something we will probably never know. The fact is, though, both of those possibilities exist. Jim March, et al, has spent considerable time and money proving that Diebold has placed a very easily hacked system in place everywhere they've sold voting machines.
As to the rigging of the straw poll to disfavor Dr. Paul - I don't know about that. I DO know that his candidacy has drawn some very heated debate everywhere the subject comes up (even here:rolleyes:). In past years when such heat has been generated there are frequently cases of tampering with the vote and/or outright vote fraud. As I said, I don't know if that happened in this case but it is certainly possible. Before I made a claim such as the author has here I think I'd need something more than "possibilities" to bolster it.


New member
After the last three posts I rest my case.

Its very convenient that if Paul wins :rolleyes: its because he's our savior, but if he loses its because its all a huge conspiracy, the machines were rigged, questions were slanted, the media shunned him, news outlets ignored him, internet blogs slandered him, and everything including the kitchen sink except....

...except anything that would mean accepting some personal responsibility and admitting that Paul didn't get the job done or, heaven forbid, wasn't the man for the job.


New member
I'm one of the most ardent RP supporters around these parts, and even I don't care if that vote was tampered with. Makes no difference because the aim wasn't to win the straw poll in the first place.
Point is certain individuals on this forum go actively seeking any story, no matter how bizarre, to attack what we're doing while simultaneously claiming a lack of concern for the subject. Since nobody else is pointing out the fundamental hypocrisy of that, I'll do it right now.

Stage 2,
Yes, there are conspiracy theorists in the movement. Save you the trouble, there's also hippies, white supremacists, liberals and anarchists. Maybe even a few of those "second amendment gun nuts" here and there.
So what? Are you going to launch into one of those lame well-poisoning expeditions, or do you have a point?
What we are trying to do is restore the BoR and the Constitution to the fore of Republican politics where they belong. If that bothers you (and this goes for all you detractors), then kindly quit your yowling about the second amendment when Hillary takes away your guns, because you obviously won't work for it right now when it matters. You had your chance to stand up for your rights and you weren't interested.


New member
If that bothers you (and this goes for all you detractors), then kindly quit your yowling about the second amendment when Hillary takes away your guns, because you obviously won't work for it right now when it matters. You had your chance to stand up for your rights and you weren't interested.

The second amendment is not the sole issue on which I base my vote. However if it were I could not in good conscience vote for a man who fought against constitutional legislation prohibiting frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

As far as protecting my rights, its quite telling and quite presumptious that because I don't support Ron Paul then it must be that I've done nothing for the second amendment or any other rights for that matter.

Ron Paul is NOT the only person in government who is honest and defends the constitution. Supporting Ron Paul is NOT the only way to defend my liberties, and certianly not the best one by a long shot.


New member
As far as protecting my rights, its quite telling and quite presumptious that because I don't support Ron Paul then it must be that I've done nothing for the second amendment or any other rights for that matter.
You don't have to support him, but you could at least quit complaining about those that do. Whether you agree with their method or not, they're trying to preserve your rights. If you insist that there are other people in Washington who are as fiercely protective of the Constitution and BoR (I'd love to hear a name or two), then by all means get loud and obnoxious about them instead of whining about how loud and obnoxious we are..

I could not in good conscience vote for a man who fought against constitutional legislation prohibiting frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
You heard it here folks. Stage2 believes that gun control is "constitutional".

Ron Paul is NOT the only person in government who is honest and defends the constitution.
There are others, such as.....?
Supporting Ron Paul is NOT the only way to defend my liberties, and certianly not the best one by a long shot.
There are better ways, such as...?
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You don't have to support him, but you could at least quit complaining about those that do.

I would if they would just freaking SHUT UP and not posit him as the solution in EVERY UNRELATED CONVERSATION!

They won't! They're like Moonies!


New member
If you think the government or the electorate will respect your rights if you fold your hands on your lap and say "pretty please", I'm afraid we'll just have to agree to disagree.

I'm still waiting for an answer to that one myself.

Sorry, but that ain't gonna happen. you can always choose to not engage in such discussions.
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