Ron Paul was on Bill Maher on friday...


New member
and he got a standing ovation when he came in and when he left... from bills 99.875% liberal audience. Also he totally owned Giuliani. Here's the link on youtube:

Ron Paul on Bill Maher May 25

Best Quotes:

"If america was a smarter country; wouldn't you be leading in the polls?" - Bill

"We should spread democracy by setting an example, not by force"

"What happened to your party? - They've lost their way."

"It's been known for quite a few decades that our foreign policy has what the CIA calls "blowback"."


New member
Its like you read my mind Tibu. I just finished watchin and was gettin ready to post....

I think its a good sign for RP that someone beat me to it!


Moderator Emeritus
Yeah, it's a great sign for RP. He'll probably get 1.2% of the vote instead of 1.1% :rolleyes:

Maybe we should just cancel the election and go with who is the most popular on YouTube. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I like Paul but as a president, he is unelectable in this America.


New member
Yeah, it's a great sign for RP. He'll probably get 1.2% of the vote instead of 1.1%

So you're a "glass is half-empty" kinda guy eh? :rolleyes:

I like Paul but as a president, he is unelectable in this America.

You may be correct, and in the back of my mind I contemplate the same thing, however that does not mean I am willing to just eliminate him as a contender simply because he is "unelectable." A lot of people who I think are "unelectable" are in fact elected and re-elected over and over again.

Personally I don't see how people like Pelosi, Murtha, or even Kennedy are "electable" to anyone other than left-wing radicals yet I've been proven wrong time and time again.

Maybe instead of bickering over whether or not Dr.Paul has a chance we could be more constructive and actually help promote candidates like him, whether it be on forums such as this, or during our conversations with our less than enlightened friends. But this whole "he has no chance" or "we've already lost" mentality has never served anyone as well as a "can do" attitude and a willingness to tackle tough obstacles.


New member
Maher and Paul, only thing missing is Kucinich and Rosie.

I've never liked Bill Maher and disagree with him overwhelmingly most of the time. However after watching Maher try to skewer Paul the first time he interviewed him, and then watching Maher actually look into the facts and change his opinion, I see it as a healthy change if even the most dumb founded liberal can get on board with some of Dr. Paul's points.

And although Maher has consistently called himself a libertarian for years, he's never shown even the faintest conservative leanings as far as I can tell. But nonetheless I see it as a good sign that even people as far left as himself have begun to see some tiny bit of the truth. However I'm not going to lie to myself and say its all because Maher realized entirely what RP stands for, more than likely its because Maher gets excited anytime anyone says anything dissenting or critical of the current Administration. Not that I blame him these days ;)

And as for the second part of your little schpiel.... for the sake of everyone out there please don't put Rosie and Kuchi in the same boat as Paul. That statement alone speaks wildly of your unwavering affiliation with people like Sean Hannity and Fred Barnes. Skewering everything out of context to protect Rudy and Romney and other anti-freedom anti-gun anti-liberty big-government neo-cons.

Dust Monkey

New member
I loathe Rudy and Romney, and do not want to see either win the nomination. I am not a fan of Sean Hannity, and I do not know who Fred Barnes is.

Yes, put Paul, Maher, Kucinich and Rosie all in the Blame America Boat. Like it our not Paul will be remembered for implying that America is to blame for 9/11.

To me, this election is about keeping a Democrat out of the White House.


New member
To me, this election is about keeping a Democrat out of the White House.

I agree 100%. But the only chance the Republicans have is with a candidate that has broader appeal than the current line up, and I think Dr. Paul could be the guy. And whether or not the powers that be make that decision and he actually becomes the nominee, I'm not only proud to support Dr. Paul I feel its my obligation as a follower of the constitution.

I may be in some make believe world right now, where I'm completely ignoring reality and you all are right, not only does RP have no chance, he's not even appealing to anyone. But its a happy place at least. And as far as the Republicans go I'm disgusted that a guy like Romney can say he supports an assault weapons ban DURING a GOP debate and somehow not be scrubbed from the ticket already. Shows you how far off the path we've gone already.

Its not fun to admit it, but the party has been hijacked. I know I know, the first steps are denial. I was there. Hell I voted for Bush twice somehow convincing myself he was a conservative each time. But I was wrong. I accepted the fact that I was wrong. And now that I'm over those humps its much easier for me to openly criticize what I see as a destruction of conservative principles within the GOP, and since there aren't enough of us willing to actually vote libertarian even though we may want to somewhere deep inside.... I'm running out of options. And I'm pretty sure Hilbama isn't one of them. ;)