RON PAUL : Presidential Exploratory Message


New member
I love to see it happen, but he's got as much chance of being in the white house as I do winning the lottery. (I don't play the lotto).


A man after the heart of Geo. Washington, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Davy Crockett, John C. Calhoun and Jefferson Davis. His kind are few and far between these days. 99.999999999999999999999999999999999% of those people up in Washington....and in our state capitols too are absolutely worthless.


New member

Today, most of the Republicans pretend to like Reagan.

But Ron Paul was one of the four Republican congressment that endorsed Reagan for Presidency 'before nobody liked him'.

I can't do much, and my opinion doesn't count, I ain't an American.

But if I were, I'd call my Congressman or other prominent Republican person and ask them to openly come out in favor of Ron Paul's nomination. I'd also donate - how many of the people who are supporting Paul in this thread have donated?


New member
Wouldn't it be cool

If the media just ignored a candidate, and they won? Ron is a great American, and is our silver bullet. Any body that has stood the test of time in Washington and kept their principles gets my vote. He will make the founding fathers proud. The only problem is that we would be bogged down with impeachments for the first term.


New member
The only way he wouldn't get my vote is if the Libertarian Party puts forward a candidate who is as pro freedom as Dr. Paul. That person would get my vote because they have the stones to call themselves what they are..a Libertarian.

In the absence of such a candidate though, Ron Paul is the only one I would vote for!


New member
Ron Paul is a Libertarian at heart.

He's running on the Republican ticket because it's his best chance of getting elected. His previous run for presicency was as a Libertarian.


New member
I've always been a Fred Thompson guy, but Ron Paul is cool. The problem, though, is that Mr. Paul doesn't have that name recognition that McCain or Rudy has. It's hard to believe that campaigning has evolved to such a point where you have to announce your candidacy like 2 years ahead. Maybe Ron Paul threw his hat into the ring a bit too late? I don't know.