Romanian WASR AK-47

The Gooch

New member

I have been seeing a lot of these WASR ak-47 around and they are pretty cheap. Are these rifles any good? Is the quality decent? I am not expecting a super gun outta these but are they a high quality rifle? And for those of you who own an ak and an sks which one do you like better, and why? I have been toying with the idea of getting one of these lately, but I already own 3 sks's. Should I save the money or go ahead and get one?


The Gooch

Dave R

New member
Since you are getting no replies here, try posting at

You'll get a lot of AK advice there.

My impressions from spending some time there is that the WASR is a good value, and a decent AK, but the SAR's are a little better. Actually, I think they said "less hacked up".

Since you have SKSs, you need an AK to appreciate the progress in Soviet-bloc weapons ;)

I got a SAR-3 a coupla months ago, and I shoot it more than anything now. Its fun.


New member
I agree with Dave R. I am a member of the board he mentioned and that is a great place to learn about AK's.

The SAR series is a Romanian Rifle which was originally designed to accept double stack mags. When imported into the USA, Century arms added a few "US" parts to make them legal for use with high cap mags.

The SAR comes in 3 calibers

SAR-1 7.62x39

SAR-2 5.45x39

SAR-3 .223 Rem

The WASR is essentially the same rifle, but it was originally designed to accept only single stack, 5 and 10 rd. mags. The rifle was then modified with "US" parts and the mag. well was cut to accept double stack mags.

You may also get the WASR-10 in single stack configuration, with all original Romanian parts.



New member
The WASR is a very nice shooter and normally comes in 2 versions. The original version was a single stack (low-cap) only rifle. The most recent variant will accept the standard double stack AK mag. What happened is that the low-cap rifles are being converted/altered to take the larger mags. I have seen several of these and they fucnction nicely. The converted ones I have seen came with a US gas piston and 3 US trigger parts.