Romanian Tokarev from Southern Ohio Gun

SOG has Romanian Toks for $189 and change, C&R eligible.

Anyone get one of them?

I've always been fascinated with the Tokarev, and am really considering getting one and some ammo. They also have ammo for $7 and change for a 72-round box.


New member
I was talking Tokarevs just last night with a friend. He has a few Norincos and I have one. He also is someone who's judgment I trust, and who works a few hours per week at a local gun shop. This gun shop also has a actual real gunsmith on the premises along with refinishing, machine work, rebarreling, etc. In other words not just a counter top operation. He has a favorable opinion of the Romanians with the exception of the added on safety, but I guess we have no control over that bit. The Yugos have a longer grip frame but not all parts interchange with the Yugos. The Norincos are solid guns and shoot well with the usual bit about a somewhat rougher finish. The Russian guns bring the premium. I may get a Romanian myself. As far as having a fun full power centerfire semi auto that does not break the bank to shoot they are hard to beat. You will likely have to file some off the rear sight to zero it. Loud, big fireball. Fun. The Romanians are also from the land of Vlad the Impaler so you will have that going for you.
I figure I'll just remove the "safety" entirely since I've heard a couple of accounts of their actually being.... unsafe.

I just saw that the Yugo Toks are sold out at SOG.


New member
I shot one once.. nice shooter, fairly accurate although I wasn't nearly as good a shot back then as I am now, so it may have been better than I thought it was. Very slender frame, would likely carry well. Significant muzzle blast.

I think a comparable option would be the CZ-52, same cartridge.

cougar gt-e

New member
I have a Romy tok from SOG. Aside from being a PITA to clean out the cosmo, it's a real nice gun. I had to soak parts in mineral spirits over night to really get it all out, but it did come clean.

The gun is easy to field strip, was in good shape, has a great trigger (after getting the last of the cosmo out!) and shoots great. Very accurate and has been totally reliable.

It did have one "issue". There is a special pin that holds the firing pin in, mine has been replaced with a mushed nail or something similar. Can't get it out without some grinding. That's why it got soaked overnight...

I was thinking about getting a second one.


New member
I have one. It's a good solid gun. Never jammed on me, accurate, and powerful.

But to be honest, I want to sell it. I feels like a 1911(bad thing to me) and it's very loud. I bought it to use as a 4 wheeler gun but I just don't want to shoot it without hearing protection.


New member
I have, a Romanian, Polish, and Yugo (M57). Also a CZ 52 Great fun at the range all. Cheap ammo, big bang, not too much recoil. All four are acceptably accurate, and the Romi is probably the best of all of them.


New member
I bought it to use as a 4 wheeler gun but I just don't want to shoot it without hearing protection.

I can't even shoot a .22 pistol without hearing protection - a Tokarev would probably blow out my eardrums!

I'm not sure which outfit I bought mine from, but I absolutely love shooting mine. It's plenty accurate, louder than snot, cheap to feed and makes me smile. And even today the price is right.

I've never had problems with the safety, so I just ignore it.