Roll Out Today: New Dillon Press replaces the 650


New member
I've been reading about this and have been coming up blank as to why they are eliminating the 650. one of the things that keep being mentioned is primers detonating on the 650...I have over 1m through (2) different 650's and have never had a primer go off...broken parts on both, but nothing major that I would think on warrant a new press.

Old 454

New member
I dont see no primer swage on it... diffrent priming system... and a roller index instead of plastic ring.

Not much of an upgrade that would make me sell my 2 650's


New member
I've been reading about this and have been coming up blank as to why they are eliminating the 650. one of the things that keep being mentioned is primers detonating on the 650...I have over 1m through (2) different 650's and have never had a primer go off...broken parts on both, but nothing major that I would think on warrant a new press.

And that's seems to be the experience of most....yet some have detonations. User error, impatience, whatever, it still happens and Dillon dutifully replaces the parts free.

Over on THR, there's a lot of discussion. Having carefully listened, I'm thinking Dillon just wants to go forward the best and least expensive way. They do have a popular press, but they have to make a profit. Several points have arisen.
  • Dillon is making three primer systems, cutting that to one simplifies production and saves money....expecially helpful to pick the least expensive system, that still works.
  • There are fewer detonations with a linear vs. rotational primer presentation so fewer mishaps will occur....and the added expense of replacement will disappear.
  • Dillon is past due for a smoother shell plate rotation they are fixing that. Powder jumping from short cases going around the plate has had several "fix" attempts from the aftermarket, and none worked that well according to some users.
  • Finally, one thing they can't fix is users who just tend to break things, but they can pick from the systems least breakable.

I dont see no primer swage on it... diffrent priming system... and a roller index instead of plastic ring. Not much of an upgrade that would make me sell my 2 650's

I've read plenty of that from other 650 owners as well. People who can and have run 650's for years with no mishaps, will continue to.

Dillon did say that they will, in a few months, offer a stripped down version, mostly just the frame, ram, and original handle....minus the caliber kits, T handle, and other parts, that aren't necessary, in case a 650 owner wants to upgrade.....but there are enough changes on the frame casting, to prevent a cheaper upgrade.

If you want a swager you want the 1050.

Jmorris showed off the rotary primer system in the Mark 7. (safer because they are farther apart on the rotary feed). Go To THR and check it out. I can see why Dillon didn't to that.....and be thankful they didn't.....prices would have gone up a lot more than $50.
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Old 454

New member
Now if they would have say

Send us 100.00 and send in your xl650 striped down but include your priming system we will send you a striped down 750 with primer system.... I might have done that.

They could have refurbished and sold those 650's at a deal and got a bunch of new customers


New member
Now if they would have say

Send us 100.00 and send in your xl650 striped down but include your priming system we will send you a striped down 750 with primer system.... I might have done that.
Remember, the greedy Mike is running the company now.
He wants nothing but greenbacks in his pockets. He doesn't share his father's vision or customer satisfaction opinions.
For that matter... He doesn't really even care about the "reloading machine" side of the business. He just wishes they could sell more miniguns and parts.

15 years ago, what you suggest may have been possible. But not now.


New member
I bought one of the XL750s last week.

Have been out of production for over a year due to a protracted move.

I had no idea that it was that new.

There's about a 10 day wait due to demand, ordered mine on the 21st, Dillon says they expect to ship on the 30th.

Definitely looking forward to the change to progressive.


New member
I bought one of the XL750s last week.

Definitely looking forward to the change to progressive.

Cool! When you get it all set up....take some pictures and do a review in a new thread. New thread means everybody will look at it.....adding to this old thread will limit your exposure and limit any help you get from the Dillon wizards here.:) Good luck with the new move to the progressive side......something tells me you will love making completely finished ammo with every pull of the handle.....I know I did.


New member
They shipped it yesterday, fedex shows delivery this Friday.

So 4 weeks from order to delivery.

Dillon said they will be shipping these quicker as they have ramped up production.


New member
I didn't think I wanted a 750. But after using my new 550C, I like the simplicity of the 550/750 priming system compared to the 650's priming system. A used 650 fetches good money. Might consider upgrading at some point.


New member
They shipped it yesterday, fedex shows delivery this Friday.

So 4 weeks from order to delivery.

Dillon said they will be shipping these quicker as they have ramped up production.

I don't think the wisdom is in waiting for the ramp up.....while they are doing it slow and meticulous you just might get the best most carefully machined example.:)

Ed308: I'd like one, I just don't have room! I just can't see where there could be too many progressives.....if you have the bench for them. Trying to working on that problem in my mind.....there's gotta be a way.....:rolleyes: I wouldn't dream of selling my RCBS Pro 2000 or the Pro Chucker 7.

I'm thinking....why would Ed want to sell the 650 that's yesterday's money......another press for today's money is more better!:D
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