Rojo's new color scheme on his 700. Compare.

El Rojo

New member
After a thread from the past about how my gun was a little too green, I added a little light color paint that my dad bought for painting the speaker on his new coyote caller. Here is what I got.

Remington 700 VS "New Lighter Color 1"

Remington 700 VS "New Lighter Color 1"

This is compared to the old color scheme.

Remington 700 VS "Old Green Scheme"

Remington 700 VS "Old Green Scheme"

I thought it looked much better when next to the concrete, but then again I don't do much coyote calling from next to concrete sidewalks or foundations. Did I do good, or should I have left well alone? I think it looks better.


New member
Personally I liked the older pattern but if you are going to be hunting in grass like that under the old pattern rifle then the new would be better. However I would get rid of the white in the new pattern and use a tan. It might be a little better, more like a desert pattern, but that's just my opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so if you like it stick with it.

The one thing I have done and would suggest you do is get rid of that gold band from around the scope objective. I taped it off and hit it with some flat black and then you can paint over it and it won't stick out. Also hit the bipod with some paint.


New member
I like the new one. On either old or new I would have put a little black in it to add some "shadow", which gives an illusion of depth. Anyway, good job.


New member
I like how you took pictures of the green scheme on brown grass and pictures of the brown scheme on green grass.


New member
I like how you took pictures of the green scheme on brown grass and pictures of the brown scheme on green grass.

LOL, isn't it funny how things always seem to work out like that? Heck, half the time I don't notice I did that until after the pictures were taken and developed. Finally I got a digital camera and don't have to worry quite so much about it.

Anyhow, Rojo, the pattern is more fitting now if you ask me. Considering the fact that this darned valley where you and I live is bone dry for 8-9 months out of the year, the lighter colors make a bit more sense.

Ron L

New member
I like the newer pattern too, but I agree that it needs a little something. I'm not sure about black, most shadows aren't true black but a nice dark grey might suffice.
Like the new colors too. Camouflage depends on the terrain you seek to blend in. I'm sure this was considered when you decided to redo that Remington.

Andrew Wyatt

New member
I favor a flat tan base coat followed by tigerstripe like streaks of brown and sage, but I do most of my shooting in the inyokern area.

I'm probably going to paint my mossberg up like that, because the black stock gets hot when it's out in the sun. Black may be tactical, but it's not very practical. (hey, i made a rhyme.)


New member
Too many Kern County folks in this forum,

Okay, move along, nothing to see here. Disperse I say!

Atleast the squirrel shootin is good.

El Rojo

New member
The thing with the gold ring is I paid too much darn money for that scope to go and completely ruin it. Should I for some far our reason go to war and be a sniper (stessing the far out), I will quickly paint the gold stripe. The bipod isn't getting painted because that is my squirrel, bench bipod and I need to buy another Harris Model L for other uses. Notice in the old pictures what the bipod looks like? That is the hunting bipod.

Grey? That is a good idea and I will have to consider it. Thanks for you input. I sort of do think beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Ron L

New member
Geez El Rojo! Gold ring on the scope, most likely a gold ring on the new wife. You must be in a marrying mood lately! :D


New member
From my years in Kalifornia's dead grass locations...

The new color scheme works a lot better. I agree with Rob, though, some shadowing would help break it up better. It's nice and flat, what type of paint is that, is it permanent (unlike Bowflage), and did you hit it with a clear flat top coat to help protect it? Very nice! If it were legal out there, I'd box up my CETME and send it your way for an El Rojo paint job!


New member
I've given my rifles a bowflage treatement and found that for the dry grasslands I don't prefer any black on my rifle, like somebody else mentioned "true black" is not very common in nature.

My real goal with my AR15 was to match it to a 3 color Desert BDU pattern, the effect is quite nice when the rifle is slung and moving about outdoors. My three colors used are an earth brown, sand brown, and a bit of OD green. Darned thing breaks up very well outdoors, gets comments every time I've taken it to an action rifle match.

My AR10 however got a more green pattern, it's more of a woodsy rifle, more shadows in that environment and there is where I made use of a bit of black. My goal with this rifle was to tie in with Woodland BDU pattern but I wasn't trying to stay so strict to the pattern like I did with my AR15. How's this for blending in?

Unlike Rojo however, I couldn't bring myself to paint my Leupold Long Range 6.5-20x scope. Heh, all I could bear to do on my varmint scope was give the scope caps a teflon/moly finish just for the hell of it.

El Rojo

New member
The first colors of paint I got from Fred's M14 Stocks, he has ads in Shotgun News EVERY SINGLE ISSUE. Gewehr, if you ever pay anyone to paint your rifle like that, please send that money my way, even though I would think it would be a waste of money. That is so easy to do yourself, I am more than sure you could handle it. I thought you painted your M1A? Was that a pre-painted stock you have on it? There is no flat coat, just flat paint. Yeah it is permanant paint. I figured, "What the heck" and just painted it. I mean when am I going to sell it? Never. And if I do, someone will buy it painted. I already sold the original stock painted on Ebay for like $135. Someone else will just slap another layer on. It really is easy to do and on a Cetme, I would just tape off a few of the vital moving parts and paint the rest of the whole stinking thing. Heck UglyGun's guns don't look like they had a single thing taped off (except the scope lenses). He just painted as is. I didn't tape off too much on my 700 either. Just do it and see how it works. If you don't like it, paint it again!


New member
Nice job on the camo, guys...I just prefer BLACK RIFLES.

They're really hard to see in my safe when the door is locked...:rolleyes: :p :D
