

New member
Are they for sale? Has anyone actually seen one? How are they? How much do they cost? How can I get one? How does it compare to the Kahr PM9 and PM40?

Jamie Young

New member
They are for sale AFAIK but there is a bit of wait.

Two guys that came to the last THR/TFL gathering I held got theirs delivered by Eric Rohrbaugh himself. I only talked to him for a few minutes since he was anxious to get on the firing line.

The only ones I've seen up close were the Rorhbaugh R9S. I didn't have a chance to shoot them, though.

I have a hard time not laughing at calibers smaller than 9mm for CCW but these Rorhbaughs seem interesting.


New member
Yup. The guy makes them right here on Long Island. For that kind of money, for what you get, I'll stick to my Kahr P9 and my Glock 30 THANK YOU!!!! I got those two pistols for the price of what they want for that thing. And.......Nobody tells me, "You can't shoot this, and you should'nt shoot that." in my guns.


New member
Small caliber weapons...and, oh yeah, the Rohrbaugh.

"I have a hard time not laughing at calibers smaller than 9mm for CCW."

Really? Laughing? So you wouldn't mind letting me use you for target practice with my 7.1 oz. (fully loaded) NAA Mini .22 Mag? Hell, it couldn't hurt, IT'S ONLY A .22!!!

I would not laugh at ANY caliber used for concealed carry.

The Rohrbaugh? The capacity is insufficient...the grip is microscopic...the sight radius is too short...the recoil too sharp...on and on
go the innumerable articles and opinions.

IMHO, it's an oddity that will ultimately be a moderately priced collector's item. New manufactures and designs are interesting, but few make the grade to permanancy.


Jamie Young

New member
Really? Laughing? So you wouldn't mind letting me use you for target practice with my 7.1 oz. (fully loaded) NAA Mini .22 Mag? Hell, it couldn't hurt, IT'S ONLY A .22!!!

Nah, just the last time somebody tried to kill me he was 6'4" 260lbs and on PCP. It only took 5 cops to knock him down. ;) I'd rather prepare for the worst rather than the minimum.

Carry what you feel safe with. :)
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New member
The capacity is insufficient...the grip is microscopic...the sight radius is too short...the recoil too sharp..
OK so - we have a small 9mm POCKET pistol .... about as small as it gets. It is CNC precision engineered .. and emminently pocketable.

Grips are ''microscopic'' .... well, goes with the territory! Sight radius too short? Of course it's short .. this is a diminutive POCKET pistol. It is intended for close up and personal .. 6+1 capacity! Is that ''insignificant'' .... for a true pocket piece?? Beats my daily carry SP-101 with FIVE.

It weighs in at 12.8 oz without mag and yet is metal ... thru and thru, except for grips.

Recoil??? ....... Sure it is sharp ... not surprising for its size. But in extremis if all you have is a concealable small pistol then R9 will do the job ... and well. It's sight radius is small .. of course it is .. it's a real small gun. Arguably - sights hardly needed at the close up situations where it might be used!

I have one .. and another on the way. Think of it what you will but ... it is remarkable and as far as I am concerned ... it is about the ultimate small 9mm piece.

I was one of the two Jamie referred to .... sorry still that he did not get to shoot it. Later hopefully.


New member
If capacity is insufficent, better throw out those J-frames. Those 5-shot S&W's are worse.

If recoil is too sharp, I say get rid of all Scandium allow guns. A .357 magnum S&W with a 2" barrel in Scandium is a bit lighter than the Rorbaugh, IIRC. And I'm not sure you get more velocity out of that small barrel.

Ditto above on grips and sights.

Just another pocket gun option. A series of uncomfortable compromises.


New member
Ditto what P95Carry said.

I have one and its outstanding. If your familar with the colt pony pocketlite in 380, The rohrbaugh is the same size and weight only in 9mm.. ;)


New member
I've shot one, and it's the cat's meow. Like other light weight guns, it is prone to flinching aka limp wristing.


Moderator Emeritus

The capacity is insufficient...the grip is microscopic...the sight radius is too short...the recoil too sharp...on and on

Interesting to see complaints on low capacity, microscopic grips, short sight radius and sharp recoil from one who had been lauding his .22 Mag NAA just three sentences earlier.

It's a niche gun; for its niche, it seems splendid. I'll stick with my Airweight J-frame, personally, but mostly because I know and love it, as the Rohrbaugh trounces it handily purely on the specs.

Will Fennell

New member
needs sights....

I played with one quite a bit at the NRA show......neat little pistol. Very little......and the smaller the pistol, the more important it is to have decent sights.

If this gun had a small set of Heinie Slant Pro Striaght Eights, or small Novaks, I would purchase it ASAP. Since it's sights suck, I'll stick to my Kahr P9 Covert.


New member
Why are sights important on a itty-bitty pocket pistol? You'll most likely stick it in the badguy's ear, not take a headshot at thirty-two paces.

Anyhow, this is the first I've heard of the gun or maker. Anyone have a link to his website? I was considering the Keltec P3AT for a backup weapon while on duty, but the caliber kinda bothered me. Maybe a similarly sized 9mm would be better....especially if it's all metal and will allow some checkering, stippling, and engraving.

You can have a bbq pocket gun, right?


New member
Let's see, a high capacity, large grip, with a long sight radius. That would mean that it is no longer a pocket pistol. The Rohrbaugh is the size of a P3AT, but is real 9mm. It holds 7 rounds, yet is only an inch wide across the grip, the sight radius is short because the whole gun in only 5" long, and the quality is unsurpassed. There are smaller pistols, you can even have one in 9mm, both the Downsizer and American Derringer, but you get even less capacity (1 or 2) and an even shorter sight radius, but neither are that much thinner than a Rohrbaugh.

As far as the cost. There is a Seecamp .380 for sale in Gun List for about $1200. People use to pay as much for a Seecamp .32 as Rohtbaugh gets for their gun, give me a Rohrbaugh.


Nice new sig line, Brian! :)

Jeff OTMG, didn't you get the second one ever manufactured?

I agree that the Rohrbaugh is a great idea and a nice pistol.


It is most definitely NOT nearly as thin/concealable as a KelTec P3AT, which is important if you're wearing jeans (as opposed to loose fitting pants). The Rohrbaugh is still a bit on the thick and big side for carry in jeans. Yes, you can do it, but you'll be printing "gun" or at least "something big, probably a gun" when carried front pocket style. Now, OTOH, dress pants/loose casual pants are a whole nuther story, and the Rohrbaugh is ideal for that type of carry! (AND, it's 9x19, not 9x17).


New member
I own a Kel Tec 380. I also own three Seecamps, two NAA Guardians, and a Rohrbaugh (serial number 131).

A gun is a tool. The quality of the Rohrbaugh is unreal. I carry a Glock 36. But for a BUG, I cannot think of a better firearm on which to stake my life than the Rohrbaugh.