Rohrbaugh 9mm ?


New member
KelTec has pocket pistols in 32 ACP and 380. Their 9mm and 40 S&W are enough larger to be in another category.

The Rohrbaugh 9mm is about the same size as the 380 KelTec.

The Rohrbaugh price is about 4X to 5X the KelTec price.

What is the general opinion of the Rohrbaugh 9 ?



New member
I don't own a Rohrbaugh but I have fired one. I think everyone's experience is different due to hand size, hand shape, hand strength, etc. but the Rohrbaugh 9 had much higher perceived recoil to me than my Guardian 380, more along the lines of the Keltec P9 or P11. The Rohrbaugh seemed to want to jump out of my hand - it didn't, but it felt like it was trying to.

My friend bought the Rohrbaugh 9 - the one that I fired - to replace his Keltec P3AT. He also found the recoil quite punishing, and decided to sell the Rohrbaugh and keep the P3AT. He also had cycling issues with his. I didn't have any when I was firing it, but after he sold it he told me that he had a few jams that contributed to his decision not to keep it.

Just about every make and model of firearm has examples that are better or worse than others, and maybe his just wasn't one of the better examples of that model. As I said anyone else's experience may be different. I know the Rohrbaugh has a lot of fans. I am obviously not one of them.


New member
The price is very high.

Considering the best gun that KelTec makes-the PF-9- is marginally larger and fills exactly the same role.

At three times less the price.


New member
I've had 3 of them. They are AWSOME! If my job had not gone south I would have never ever gotten rid of two of them. All three of mine were/are great shooters that ran perfect. I always used recomended ammo and never had any problems. Got one in my pocket now. It and my Seecamp 380 are always with me.


New member
It's a boutique gun, hard to find and EXPENSIVE!

Seriously, it's a nice idea, but I want something that can handle +P ammo and a gun where you don't need to change the recoil spring every 100 rounds.

Get the PF-9 from Kel-Tec, it's a fourth of the price.

Also check out Kahr's pocket pistol lineup. They are worth considering.

Billy Sparks

New member
I had one. I liked mine it was just too heavy in my pants pocket. But it wasn't that bad to shot and I never felt undergunned with it.



just re-read that thread, notice how the spring replacement went from every 500 rounds all the way to every 100 rounds?!:rolleyes:

but seriously, my brother in law's friend's cousin's wife has one and likes it alot! she has over 2000 rounds on the same spring.
my brother in law's friend's cousin bought it at a yard sale his neighbor' wife had when she found out her husband was cheating on her.
she sold all of his guns for $25 each!

my brother in law also said she sold the guys brand new corvette for $1000, but i'm not sure i believe that.;)


Replacing the outer recoil spring every 200 rounds. Is there a round counter on the gun? And just a little over $1000. Money well spent??
Replacing the outer recoil spring every 200 rounds. Is there a round counter on the gun? And just a little over $1000. Money well spent??
It is money extremely well spent. It is the only true 9mm micro pistol around that is well made and reliable that also shoots accurately and easily. Springs are super inexpensive and Rohrbaugh told me personally that a spring should last at least 500 round before showing any wear and the 200-300 round suggestion is just a worst case scenario.

Like I said, this is a one of a kind pistol that is reliable and easy to conceal and shoot. Also, changing a inexpensive spring every few hundred rounds does not require any additional effort at all over a simple routine cleaning.

It is hardly a "boutique gun." It is a marvel of engineering and a true every day worker when it comes to self defense.


It is the only true 9mm micro pistol around that is well made and reliable that also shoots accurately and easily.

now, david, you know you cant make such a broad statement without being wrong on at least one aspect!
roger is right, i'll go head to head with my PM9 against ANYONE (short of a sponsored pro) with an R9 at standard distances and scenarios. after we see how close they are in performance, we can swap guns and repeat the exercise.
that aint a challenge, just an invitation to compare.:)


yeah, but just barely. still a micro.
knew that last post would get ya.
i would actually like to spend more time with an R9 and you certainly need more time with a PM9.
see if you and yours want to visit the midwest. michell's a great cook and the range(s) is (are) 50 feet from the house.
plenty of other "stuff" to shoot here as well.:D
I would like to spend some time at the range with a PM9. No one I know here owns one. It might help me get over my reservations regarding them.

Night Watch

New member
:rolleyes: It's your life. I think you should use any pocket pistol you want to; and, I admire anyone who can rationalize dumping a grand into something and, then, hope to be happy with the results!

Nowadays, everybody places too much importance on guns that just plain go, 'bang' all the time. Where's the self-satisfaction? Where's the adventure? Where's the risk?

If you really want one of them little Rohrbaugh pistols then I think you should get one. I say go for it; and, don't pay any attention to the problems some other guy might have had with his. Remember, you are your own person! :)


New member
+1 for the PM9 ... no failures, been carrying it for several years, it's a great gun either in pocket or Galco paddle holster ... cheaper, just as accurate .. I love mine