Rohm .22, 6 shot revolver 4 inch barrel

Colonel Custer

New member
Hi guys and gals can anyone give me a quick history lesson on this gun. This is what I know
1) The gun act of '68 stopped their importation.
2) the cylindor revolves like a S&W, (I carry a 686 model for work every day.)
3) it looks like it has a metal sleave/ tube lining the bore, and it is built on a fram similiar to what I would expect of a .38.
Any help is appreciated. (by the way it shoots great and my wife is going to learn on it.)

Onward Allusion

New member
Classic Saturday Night Special fodder. With that said, I had one a long long time ago, and it worked. If you're using it as a SD weapon, please consider getting something else. A used S&W or even an older vintage Charter Arms or Taurus revolver.

Colonel Custer

New member
It is by no means my only gun, just an inexpensive training gun to get my wife used to shooting. I just wanted to know more about the gun.


New member
Is it the same model - RG14 - Hinkley used?

If it is, I'd quit using it before something broke on it that couldn't be replaced.

Not that it'll have any type of collector value or anything...


New member
Rohm or RG guns are absolutely horrible. You may get one that appears to work for a while, but odds are the honeymoon won't last -- you're lucky if you got a honeymoon. They are literally the original Saturday Night Special, which if you were born in the 70's and old enough to remember the '80's should ring a bell. Strangely though, as Hal alluded, they will forever hold a position of notorious curiosity for some because of will the Uzi with collapsible stock. Who, from my era can forget that image?


New member
German, IIRC, and without a doubt, the most horrible weapons I ever handled. If it works for training, well and good. At least the chance of a blowup is minimal.


New member
useta wear a 38 Special version

Advice: Do NOT fire that gun, nor be anywhere near its firing, without wearing eye protection ('cause they can exhibit, or develop, severe lead spitting).

Other than that, shoot at will. Restrict ammo to standard pressure choices. Lubricate using Breakfree CLP.

A pot-metal import for little money. German, if IRC.


New member
I still own 1 of those 22lr with 22mag cylinder. Got it in 1973 have shoot 1000s of rounds through it no problems. Not real accurate.


New member
I inherited a 3" barrel one that yaws/tumbles bullets so badly it's almost funny... would make a decent sound-effects gun for the movies.


New member

My first revovler was a RG 38.

I can attest to the lead spitting-after only twenty rounds of round nose lead bullets.

That gun felt great,had good balance and weight,was accurate and shot well.

And it scared me everytime I fired it because of the lead shavings spraying my hands and face.

RG replaced my first one free and I sold the gun they sent me for cheap.



New member
Back when I was a young fellow, which was a long time ago, I wanted one of those. I mean I really wanted one.

They had the one redeaming feature I absolutly had to have in a handgun. Any handgun.

They were cheap. :D About $29.95 if I remember correctly.

Alas, I didn't have $29.95 back then. So I never got one.

Not too long ago, I saw one in my favorite gun store. I was surprised to see it really. This one was in like new condition, and I believe unfired. They were asking $79.00 for it. I was tempted to offer $40.00 to see if they'd take it.

I don't know why. I guess that young fellow I used to be is still in there somewhere. :D

Colonel Custer

New member
The 686

The Dept. I work for supplies the S&W 686 so policy is we return it to the armory at the end of shift. Besides 22s are a less expensive trainer. When my beloved gets the hang of things I will give her my old Taurus .38. I have seen some of the Garbage Rohms but they are smaller frame and have white plastic looking handles. My Rohm is the same size as my Taurus 7 shot 4.5 inch 38. It looks like there is a sleve/barrel liner in it. It stamped made in Brazil.:confused: