Rockchucker linkage wear


New member
It seems like my Rockchucker is getting lots or play,slack (or whatever you want to call it) in the linkage. My JR never had any slack.The slack is from the links where they connect to the press body.Is it normal for the Rockchucker to get this loosenesswith usage ?I can move the handle sideways quite a bit.If you work the press and don't hold the handle straight it feels rough.Is this just something that comes with usage or does it need repair?


How old is that Chucker? I am using one from the 80s that has a little bit of play but not enough to affect operation. I think as long as there is no excessive play in the ram it shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps you can shim the linkage with some washers.


New member
Can you tighten up the linkage a little, might just be normal wear. Mine got a little loose a while back and that's what tightened mine up.


New member

If you can do without it for about two weeks send it back to RCBS. They will recondition it to like new. Mine was rusted so bad that the ram could not be moved. I called and got mailing instructions. Viola in a few weeks it came back in NEW condition. Great service minimum cost, just shipping. give them a chance and you will be very pleased with the results. I know,how did yours get in that condition. Portable bench in the way of the wicked *itch of the east. I had to get it out of her house. Its now in MY building in MY yard beside MY house and the howing * itch is gone. Ding Dong.


New member
Wish I had mine back...

Had a Rockchucker years ago - my brother lost it - wish I had it back.

Like the man said - give RCBS a try - I have yet to find a customer service as good or as knowledgable as they are. Just the bast.

God bless.


And remember: Hug your God and your guns - 'cause he's coming for them both and soon!