Rockchucker Kit or Hornady Classic Kit?


New member
Which of these kits is the better to start off with? If I went with the Rockchucker I would like to get the Lock-n-Load conversion system. Any opinions on which press is better and which kit contains the most/best equipment? They're almost the same price in Cabelas. I'll be loading pistol and rifle but neither in extremely large quantities but more pistol than rifle.


New member
For a single stage kit I would go with the RCBS. I have some Hornaday dies but they are not my favorite. You may want to look at at a Turret Press also. That would make loading Pistol a little faster. But I you go Single Stage you cannot get much better than the RCBS Kit.


New member
"Any opinions on which press is better and which kit contains the most/best equipment?"

As a practical matter, you would never know any difference between those presses. Believe me, people agonise over presses much more than they should. Presses are quite simple devices and there are no secrets in making them. All presses of a given type are fully the equal of its peers so we need not worry if we are getting the "best".

You didn't ask but a few user features are more important than brand, IMHO. In that catagory of presses I believe the Lee Classic Cast has the best features; the lever is adjustable for side, length and angle; it's made of cast steel (the toggle links are all steel too); it's big enough to size a .50 BMG case; the primer catcher system actually works and, if you care, it's all made in the USA on modern CNC machines. And it still costs much less, if money matters to anyone.

No "kit" is ever truly complete so that won't make any real difference either. Buy the color you like and be happy.

If anyone wants a "quick change" die system the LnL is as good a choice as any. But, for the life if me, I can't see why anyone would want it, it only adds cost. Screwing dies in and out conventonally is quite simple and doesn't take much time, with a little practice most anyone can learn to do it! :D

Good luck, enjoy your new "hobby"!


New member
I just received my Hornady lock and load kit yesterday, have not used it yet. I have used an rcbs press of my buddies, worked great! the deciding factor for me was the ease of changing the dies with the lock and load, the other is your area I'm living in nebraska (hornady country) every sporting goods shop has piles of hornady supplies and any orders from the factory (GrandIsland NE) usually ships quickly. Overall quality between the two probably not much difference. Like the other guy said pick the color you like best and go with it.


New member
Between the two kits I would do the Rockchucker and add the lock n load bushings to make die changing faster. I personally have no use for the electric scale (actually any elec scale) that comes with the Hornady and would immediately buy a quality (not a lowest priced pos) beam scale to replace it. You won't go wrong with either brand. However, if you decide to add the auto prime I know the RCBS works great.

You didn't ask...but in reality I wouldn't buy any kit because none of them have the exact components I like. I would rather spend more and get exactly what I like. Instead I'd buy these major components to make my own "kit"...Rockchucker with auto primer feed, RCBS Uniflow power measure, RCBS 1010 beam scale and Lyman powder through die.
That setup on my previous Rockchucker kicked axx on hand priming and a bench mounted powder measure.


New member
I'd get the LNL Classic. The 500 free bullets is a plus. If You dont like it I will trade you my RCBS RS2 and some cash.


New member
Either kit will give you a good starting point; I prefer Hornady (I own that press, along with the AP press, and the powder measure, etc.)... the LnL system is a plus (and as noted by another poster could be added to any other brand press)... The one downside, for me, about the RCBS kit is that the press's frame is cast in China... The electronic scale is probably a bit more precise and easier to use for beginners in the Hornady kit as well. They both have excellent warranties and good companies backing them. I use Hornady Presses and Pistol Dies... and use RCBS X-Dies for rifle.


New member

I bought the RCBS supreme masters kit out of cabelas about 2 months ago and used it about 5 times great press will last a life time but if you are getting into it i also just bought a DILLION 550B the BEST!!!! i love it it is about 200 times faster. i just bought mine for 400 buck it comes with one caliper ready you just need the dies.
just my opinion