Rock River Arms and DSA


New member
Looking for some opinions. Rock River Arms has an awesome website. Are they considered to be one of the better AR Manufacturers' out there? Also, What about DSA. I know they make high quality FAL rifles but how about there AR platforms? Does anyone own rifles from either one? How is there service? Would you reccomend them? Just curious. Thanks.


New member
I can't speak to the DSA, but I highly recomend RRA. I have one as a patrol rifle, and I am very happy with it. Fit and finish is top notch, and I just took it through a three day course in hot dusty weather, with one day of rain, and it performed flawlessly. We did a lot of shooting, and it was getting hot enough at times the freefloat rails were too hot to comfortably hold. Made me glad for the Tango Down poly vert-grip!

Anyway, some have issues with the staking on the bolt carrier, and admittedly it does look a little lacking, but that is something that can be dealt with easily.


New member
I can't speak to RRA, but I do own a DSA and so far it's a fine rifle.Very reliable, in fact I have it on loan to a friend right now so he can in some practice. He has had no issues with it either. Takes the MagPul Pmags with no problem. I'll be buying another one here soon.


New member
Rock River Arms has been on Commerical Row at Camp Perry, if you are going. You can handle and play with their total product line. And the prices are great.

Because the prices are great, I purchased a NM Rock River AR. The rifle meets all my expectations, accurate, reliable, tight, etc. I like the design of their trigger and I have had Rock River NM triggers installed on three AR's. White Oak Precision sent me tuned RR triggers for less than the purchase price of a new trigger. Can't beat that.

One year, a young civilian shooter won the President's (I think could have been the NTI) with a stock box RR. Incidentally, a stock box Armalite was used by the high service shooter (a USMC Reserve guy) one year. I am certain a Bushmaster has done well, I just have not heard of it. Any of these manufacturers make NM rifles that will win the National matches straight out of the box.

But back to Rock River. Excellent AR's.

DSA, I would buy one of their FN's in a heart beat if I had the spare cash. As to one of their AR's, never seen one. They are a good company, so it probably is a quality product.