Rock River arms .45


New member
I've heard good things about Rock River arms AR-15's.

How are their 1911's?

Just wondering because I picked up their catalog from a local shop. I haven't heard good or bad either way.


They are great semi-custom guns. They are on par with many of the top builders. They turn out great stuff better than their AR15s IMHO.


New member
I read a review in a gun magazine a couple momnths ago about their Basic Carry. The author stated that out of all the 1911s he had shot over the years, it was the most reliable one.


New member
I came real close to buying one of their 1911s but the wait at the time was 9 months or so. RRAs are top notch 1911s and I'll get one someday. They are very similar the Baer guns as Mark and Chuck Larson worked for Les.


New member
JeffG is correct in the similarity to Baers. The guns are fantastic. I love mine. Their problem as a company lies with the complete lack of customer service.


New member
I have one of their NM Hardball 1911's. If you have any interest in a service match pistol, take a look at these. The build quality is excellent, it's dead-nuts accurate, and they don't skimp on the finish and details. Mine is a testament to the fact that you can build a match accurate 1911 w/o sacrificing reliability.

RRA (i.e. Chuck Larson) has developed a very good reputation in the BE community on the basis of their hardball and wad guns - the 9mm versions are popular as well.

B-N-B Customs in Carlisle Pa. often stocks the RRA match pistols - You can find his listings on Auction Arms.


New member
I have their top of the line Limited Match with the optional Black T finish.

Its my FAVORITE 1911 and I have over a dozen high end 1911s from the top builders, including an Ed Brown Classic Custom and Wilson Super Grade.

Here's my RRA.




New member
I have one...

and really like it shoots better than I do thats for sure!:D Just a note...I had to send mine back as the slide stop broke. Their service was OUTSTANDING to say the least....the gun was rushed back at no charge and I could tell they went through the whole gun with a fine tooth comb. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another. Doug


New member
It's my understanding, based on feedback through Bullseye-L and by other shooters, that RRA's pistol building operation is basically Chuck - as in Chuck Larson actually builds these pistols himself. I know that that seems improbable, but it's what I've been told by several people who know a/o have spoken with him.

This is a large part of the reason that there's such a long lead time. It's also why the pistols seem to be better supported than the rifles w/ regards to customer service and repairs. He even goes out to Camp Perry personally to support RRA pistol shooters during the nationals.

But he's apparently brought on a few apprentices recently, so they may be increasing their output. This may be why their pistols are now promoted more prominently on their website.


New member
I can assure you that the pistols are not supported. Nor is Chuck a joy to deal with. He is a very good gunsmith. Do a little research on the net and for everyone who has had a positive cs experience, you will find 10 horror stories. The pistols are good, but don't expect any service after the sale.