Rock River Ar?


New member
Thinking about buying a rock river arms ar 16" brand new never fired. I dont have a lot of experience with black rifles, even thou I was left a colt sp1c, that i have never personally fired. Mt question is is this a good rifle? or would i be better getting another colt? the sp1c was left to me by my father wich passed away and just dont want to shoot it. any one have goods or bads about rock river arms? thanks


New member
I did a lot of research before buying my RRA 18" Varmint.
It is the best shooting gun I own.
Amazing, really.
I would buy another, no question.
With Colt, you pay a 20% premium for the name.


New member
I shoot my RRA NM A4 at Service Rifle and DCM shoots every month during the season. I have fired thousands of rounds through it with no malfunctions. It is accurate and well built. One of my aquaintances built his own match rifle, he used the best components he could get and assembled the rifle himself, and he is surprised at how well my RRA functions and shoots for the price I paid. He has a lot more invested in his rifle, and shoots slightly better than I do, but not by much. He is younger than I am (that's my excuse for not outshooting him;)).


New member
I don't know why some people poo poo on RRAs. They're all around good rifles. Maybe they don't hold up to 'hard use' but I've never had an issue with mine.


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I have a RR NM A4 upper that I used to build a competition service rifle. The upper is amazingly accurate. A sign of the quality of the barrel is that it cleans up with very little effort - the least work of any rifle that I own. For the NM version, RR should delete the flashider since it is only a distraction for competition work - I would rather have a clean target crown muzzel

I've since ordered another upper - in A2 configuration this time, but still waiting for it.


New member
I ordered a A3 6.8mm 16" uppper and used it deer hunting this last fall... loved it!!! and it is accurate with silver state ammo and my first reloads but haven't got to fine tune it as i got a case stuck in the die and still waiting to get that back plus it is f-cking cold outside and haven't had a calm day in over 3 months


New member
I got my 16" mid length a few years ago & I couldn't be more please with it -- had a small bet w/ a shooting buddy last summer -- at 50 yards, I put 5 shots on a 3/4" orange dot after a good few hours of shooting :D Couldn't be happier w/ my RRA :cool:


New member
I'll have my first mut done here in about 2 or 3 weeks with RRA lower, upper and RRA internals except for the BCG. I've heard alot of good things about their rifles. I will have a complete RRA when the barreled upper I orderd arrives.

B. Lahey

New member
They surely do not hold up to hard use. If you plan on shooting it for the rest of your life, get a Colt. If you just want to fart around for a few years until parts start failing left and right, and then selling it, RRA would be fine.

My RRA has had an ever-increasing volume of problems and broken parts. My next AR will be a Colt.


New member
My first (and currently only) AR is a mutt built from a Tactical Innovations stripped lower, Armalite LPK, and RRA complete 16" A4 upper. Never a problem and I am well pleased with it's accuracy with standard XM193 ammo.

My next AR (just started ordering the parts) will be a RRA 20" A4 free float upper on a cavalry arms MKII lower. I'm moving my DMS-1 to this rifle and keeping my carbine irons only.

I've been happy with RRA. They aren't on the same plane as Colt, LMT or Noveske, but for Joe Average (like me) they're pretty darn good.


I recently built a varmint AR, using a RRA stripped upper and RRA 20" bull varmint barrel. Seems to be exceptionally high-quality to me, although I know the barrel (made by Wilson) isn't in the Krieger class.


New member
I don't know why some people poo poo on RRAs.

The reason is that some cowboy over on put together a "comparison" chart. In the chart, he listed all the features and their specifications. The "standard" was the Colt offering. The closer a product came to the Colt specification, the more "points" the product was awarded. There was no provision for comparison of the specification to determine which one was superior. Consequently, according to that chart, RRA and a lot of other top quality ARs come up short.

But the proof is in the pudding. In the marketplace, RRA has proven to be accurate and reliable. Personally, I find even military specifications can be suspect. Just because some piece of equipment meets some arbitrarily defined military standard does not mean that it is the best, best for the money, or even reliable. It just means that the equipment meets a standard that was set by a bureaucracy.

If you ever read the story about how the DOJ came up with it's body armor rating system, you won't worry about DOJ ratings.


New member
if rra makes o.k. guns, then why is one of 2 choices allowed by some large police depts (dallas)? oh did i mention the second choice is colt!


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Well said, FALPhil. If they made a "chart" for knives with military specs, some people would be skinning their deer with bayonets.


New member

Hi They are all good.I have an Armalite ar10 flat top which shoots great! I also have an Oly arms ar15 20"H-bar for 5 yrs. and that is a tack driver and never had a problem althrough I do recall having 1 issue with the ar15 it was the bolt key loosen but that was an easy fix the factory forgot to put locktight on the screws.They are all fine shooting guns as far as you do your part. In nam the early colt w/no forward had there problems but so did the goverment when they did not supply the cleaning supplies that it self was a big problem.

B. Lahey

New member
I do recall having 1 issue with the ar15 it was the bolt key loosen but that was an easy fix the factory forgot to put locktight on the screws

Which of your ARs has the locktighted bolt key?

That's horrendous. Those are supposed to be staked (pegged in place by a big machine-punch type deal bashing them, deforming the metal, so that they can never move).

Another reason why people like Colt. They pay attention to details like that.


New member
I do recall having 1 issue with the ar15 it was the bolt key loosen but that was an easy fix the factory forgot to put locktight on the screws.

They didn't forget. The gas key bolts don't get lock tight; they get staked. As Lahey said that's one reason that some folks prefer Colt as well as LMT, BCM and Noveske. It's not so much that the others are horrible guns, it's the fact that they aren't built to any standard and the small details are missed. If they are missing obvious things like proper staking, what are they missing when they QC the rest of their parts?