rock river A2NM any good?


New member
I am finally thinking about building an AR for high power shooting. I have seen the Rock river Ads and wonder if that is a good rifle for high power.:)


New member
Yes. I'd started with a RRA NM A2, which I'd shot in full-range XTC matches. After my first season I'd purchased a WOA upper, and retained the RRA lower. I still use my original upper as a back-up.


New member
I've shot the RRA upper and it's very good.

If you're not posting high master scores, you're probably not going to see a difference between one match upper and the next (assuming you've picked a suitable rate of twist).


New member
I think you'll find the White Oak Service Rifle Upper is about the best you can fine. I'm sure if you were to chech the Perry results, you'll find most of the top shooters are using White Oak uppers.

Tim R

New member
I have a RRA NM lower and 2 WOP uppers. 1 upper is due for a barrel the other is still pretty fresh. Both have won money and matches.


You could win the Nationals at Perry with a RR NM rifle.

Buy one, burn out the barrel, then send it to White Oak.


New member
You could win the Nationals at Perry with a RR NM rifle.

Buy one, burn out the barrel, then send it to White Oak.

^^^ What he said!! ^^^

The Rock River is at least as good as the Armalite I have, and I've posted enough HM scores (sadly not when needed nor all together) with the Armalite to tell you the hardware won't be the problem. ;)

Once you've burned out the original barrel you should know enough of what you really want on the line. Then call White Oak for the works!

Or you get a WOA upper, a RRA lower, and a tuned RRA trigger. Last I checked the cost wasn't much higher than the box gun.
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New member
My bud is a National Match shooter.
He attended Camp Perry regularly in the 80's and 90's and made the President's 100 one year, so he's no slouch.

Recently he had both M1A's rebuilt and after much thought and research, he bought a RRA rifle.
He had some work done to the trigger and sights, and liked it so much he bought a National Match version too.
He says RRA was the only maker to offer a guarantee of accuracy of 1 MOA.

He's getting astounding groups, says his reloads aren't "there" yet, and he's still getting used to a totally different type of rifle.

His 600 yard loads are a 80 grain Match King, and his shorter range is 52 grain Match King bullets.
With a 10X Leupold scope on his first rifle, he's getting 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards which you don't get with the M1A.

If I was looking for a Match AR, I'd be buying a RRA with results like that.